Payroll Maintenance - Y.T.D. tab

You can use the Y.T.D. tab of Payroll Maintenance to view year-to-date payroll totals. This tab has two grid areas:

  • Summary grid area, which displays Y.T.D. totals by income stream
  • Details grid area, which displays the Y.T.D pay code details of the selected income stream.

 Opening the Y.T.D. tab

To open the Y.T.D. tab:

  1. Select Payroll > Payroll Employee Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Payroll Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Search for the employee payroll record for the staff member. See Searching for payroll employees.
    The Personal tab of the Payroll Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Y.T.D. tab.
    The Y.T.D. tab of the Payroll Maintenance window is displayed.
  4. If required:
    • click on the up and down arrows to select a different Year
    • click .

Payroll Maintenance - Y.T.D. tab key fields and buttons

Summary grid area fields

This area shows year-to-date totals for the following fields:



Income Stream

Income stream type.

Note: Income stream types are selected using the General tab of Pay Code Maintenance. see Pay Code Maintenance - General tab.


Country, if required for the income stream type.

Note: Pays with the following income stream types must be submitted with a country code:

  • Foreign Employment Income (FEI)
  • Inbound Assignees to Australia (IAA)
  • Working Holiday Maker (WHM).
GrossTotal gross pay amount for the selected income stream.


Total amount of tax paid for the selected income stream.


Total nett pay for the selected income stream.


Total superannuation for the selected income stream.


Total termination amount paid for the selected income stream.

OTETotal ordinary time earnings for the selected income stream.

Details grid area fields



Pay Code

Unique payroll code. When you select a code, all the defaults associated with this pay code are used for the employee. You can override the defaults if required.

Pay Code Des

Description of the pay code.


The default unit used with this pay method. The Units are multiplied by the Rate and the factor to calculate the gross pay.

Note: See the Factor field on the Payroll Maintenance - Pay Details tab.

If either the Units or Rate is 0, the employee must have a set pay amount in the Amount field.


The default amount for this pay method. Employees can either be paid a set amount, or the amount can be calculated.


Description of the pay code.

Super Fund

Superannuation fund linked to the pay code.

Note: For information about maintaining super funds, see Payroll Maintenance - Super Funds tab.