Payroll Maintenance - General tab

Use the General tab to maintain:

  • general pay run details
  • taxation details
  • termination details.

 Opening the General tab

To open the General tab:

  1. Select Payroll > Payroll Employee Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Payroll Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Search for the employee payroll record for the staff member. See Searching for payroll employees.
    The Personal tab of the Payroll Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the General tab.
    The General tab of the Payroll Maintenance window is displayed.

Payroll Maintenance - General tab key fields and buttons

General area fields



Start Date

Date that the employee commenced employment at your organisation.

Override Start Date

Select to indicate that the employee's start date in Payroll should be different from the one in Human resources. This field then no longer appears as a discrepancy.

Leave Start Date Adjust (Months)

An adjustment to the length of the employee's service when calculating leave entitlement. Use a positive number to decrease the length of time the employee has worked for you, and a negative number to increase it.

For example, if:

  • An employee takes twelve months of unpaid leave, set the Length of Service Adjust (Months) to 12 to ensure the employee does not accrue leave entitlements while they are on unpaid leave.
  • You are transferring three months of a new employee's leave entitlements from their previous organisation, set the Length of Service Adjust (Months) to -3.

Category for the payroll employees.

For example, administration staff.

Override Category

Select to indicate that the employee's category in Payroll should be different from the one in Human resources. This field then no longer appears as a discrepancy.

Pay Group

Group for processing pays with a similar period. For example, weekly or monthly pay groups.

This field also controls the payment frequency and is used when you bulk pay employees.

Note: This is maintained in the luPayrollPayFrequency lookup table. See luPayrollPayFrequency lookup table.

Employment Status


  • full-time employee
  • part-time employee
  • casual employee
  • contractor.

Note: This is maintained in the luPayrollEmployeeStatus lookup table. See luPayrollEmployeeStatus lookup table.

Payslip Notification Method

Method used to send payslips to the employee.

Note: If the notification method is set to Email, and no email address is provided, payslips will be printed for this employee instead.

Override email

Enter an email address if you want to send emails a different address than those listed in Community Maintenance.

Leave Calculation Method

Method used to calculate leave entitlements:

  • FTE - calculate leave entitlements based on the length of time the employee has worked for your organisation
  • Hours Worked - calculate leave entitlements based on the hours the employee works each pay period.

Note: This field is not editable. Leave entitlement calculation methods are based on the employee's award. See Payroll Configuration - Leave Awards tab.

Timesheet Mode

Select how this employee can submit timesheets in the SynWeb Staff Kiosk. Modes include:

  • enabled - the employee can claim any of their pay codes that have timesheet entry enabled
  • disabled - the employee cannot claim any pay codes on the timesheet
  • schedule only - the employee can only claim pay codes for which they are timetabled.
Previous Payroll ID

The Previous payroll ID used to identify the payroll employee.  Used where employee has changed Payroll ID.

Note: The Previous Payroll ID and End Date fields are used to identify the records of the selected payroll employee when amending prior financial year records submitted with a different BMS ID. For information about maintaining BMS IDs, see Payroll Configuration - BMS ID tab.

           Consult the ATO for guidance on when to provide Previous Payroll ID and requirements on transferring YTD Pay Amounts between Payroll ID's.

End DateEnd date of the previous payroll ID.

Terminated Details area fields




Select if the employee's employment has been terminated.

Terminated Date

Date the person left your organisation. Defaults to today's date.


Reason the employee left your organisation.

For Australian organisations, the following values are allowed:

  • V - Voluntary cessation
  • I - Ill health
  • D - Deceased
  • R - Redundancy
  • F - Dismissal
  • C - Contract cessation
  • T - Transfer.

Note: Australian organisations must populate this drop-down list termination reasons accepted by the ATO by loading AUSGOV termination reason values into the luPayrollTerminationReason lookup table. See luPayrollTerminationReason lookup table.

Job Position Summary area fields and buttons
Grid area fields



Job Code

Code for the job position.


Description of the job position.

Award Level

Award level held for the job position.

Start Date

Date the employee started the job position.

End Date

Date the employee finished the job position (if applicable).


FTE level of the job position.

Next Inc Level

Date the employee is due for the next increment in their job position.




Current Position

Select to display only the job positions currently held by the employee.




Launch Job Position Maintenance for the selected job position. See Job Position Maintenance - General tab in the Human resources manual.

Launch Staff Maintenance for the employee. See Staff Maintenance - Job Position tab in the Human resources manual.