Online Payments Maintenance - Levels tab

Online Payments Maintenance - Levels tab

Use the Levels tab to define:

  • categories of online payments (Level 1)
  • online payments for each category you have defined (Level 2)
  • options for each online payment you have defined (Level 3).

    Note: For information about creating online payment categories such as debtor account payments, event payments and donations, see Configuring online payment categories in the Online payments manual.

For each Level 1 item there may be multiple Level 2 entries. For each Level 2 item there may be multiple Level 3 entries.


 Opening the Levels tab

To open the Levels tab:

  1. Select Module > System > Online Payments Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Merchant tab of the Online Payments Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Select the Levels tab.
    The Levels tab of the Online Payments Maintenance window is displayed.

Online Payments Maintenance - Levels tab key fields and buttons

Level 1 area fields
There are three fixed categories of online payments in Level 1:

  • Account payment
  • Events and Excursions
  • Other.

Note: Level 1 categories are fixed and do not appear on the Community Portal or affect the function of your online payments. This can be overridden in the configuration settings. See Level1_Override configuration setting in the Finance manual. Level 1 payments are only used to keep online payment options organised or grouped.




Description of the online payment category.


Select this field to make the online payment category active at your organisation.


Unique code identifying the online payment category.

Level 2 (Linked to Level 1) area fields
Each Level 1 item may be linked to multiple Level 2 entries. Each item defined here will appear on the Payments tab in the Community Portal.
For example, your organisation may want to create a Level 2 entry called Donation to the Building Fund.
Note: For online payments to work, you must have at least one Level 2 record defined.



Portal Description

Description of the merchant and payment type combination for this category.
Note: This description appears on the Community Portal.


Merchant to accept payment from.

Payment Type

Payment types accepted:

  • Debtor
  • Donation
  • Event
  • Excursion
  • General ledger.

Portal Activity Label

Description that appears on the Community Portal when the community member selects this online payment option.


Select to make this merchant and payment type combination active.


Order in which the options appear on the Community Portal.


Unique code identifying the entry.

Level 3 (Linked to Level 2) area fields
Level 3 items will appear on the Community Portal when the user clicks on a Level 2 item.
Define allocation options for each online payment. Each item defined here appears as a payment option when community members select an online payment. If more than one Level 3 item is defined for a Level 2 item, they appear as a drop-down list to the community member.
For example, your organisation may want to create Gold, Silver and Platinum donation levels to the Building Fund with set donation amounts.
Note: You do not have to create Level 3 items for each Level 2 item. You cannot create Level 3 records for debtor payment types.




Description of the fund and code combination for this definition.


Amount to be paid.
Note: This can be fixed or you can allow users to nominate their own amount.

GL Code

General ledger code to allocate this payment to.

GL Sub Alloc

General ledger sub-allocation code to allocate this payment to.

Tax Code

Tax code for this payment.

O'ride Tax %

Overriding tax percentage, if used.


Fund to allocate this payment towards.


Appeal this payment relates to.

Publish From

Date from which this configuration appears on the portal.
For example, you may want to make a configuration for last-minute event tickets that are more expensive.

Publish To

Date after which this configuration is unavailable on the portal.
For example, you may want to make a configuration for early-bird event tickets that are less expensive.


Order in which the appeals are displayed on the portal.


Unique code identifying the entry.

Level 3 Detail area unique fields



User can Change Amount

Select if the community member can change the amount paid.

Notify Staff ID

Select a staff member to be notified when the payment occurs.

Notify Email

Type the email address to send the notifications to.




Add another entry to the Level 1, 2 or 3 grids.

Delete the selected entry from the grid.


  • General Ledger Maintenance for the selected general ledger code.
  • Staff Maintenance for the staff ID.

Launch the Staff Search window to find the staff ID.

Common buttons



Undo the changes made.

Save the changes without closing the window.

Save the changes and close the window.

Close the window without saving changes.

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