

Constituencies are groups of individuals and companies. Constituencies define how an individual or company relates to your organisation. Because an individual might relate in several ways, they are generally members of many constituencies. For example, they may be a parent, staff member and a debtor.

Two types of constituencies are used in Synergetic:

  • Synergetic functions automatically create Synergetic constituencies. These are also referred to as system constituencies and are generally prefixed with @.
  • Users create and maintain client constituencies to record parent support groups, auxiliaries, VIP guest lists and similar groups. These are also referred to as user-defined constituencies.

Some examples of Synergetic constituencies (with their code in brackets) are shown below.

Creditor (@CRD)

Current Parent (@PC)

Debtor (@DEB)

Current Student (@SC)

Enrolment Deposit Contact (@EDC)

Current Staff (@STF)

Enrolment Deposit Student (@EDS)

Donor (@ZDN)

Some examples of client constituencies (with their code in brackets) are shown below.

Friends of School (FOS)

Philanthropic Trusts and Foundations (PTF)

Governing Board Members (GOVB)


Note: Do not duplicate Synergetic constituencies when creating and maintaining client constituencies.

Some people are not automatically placed in a constituency. We recommend that you add them to a constituency, for example Friends of School.

Use constituencies to maintain and select lists of people you are regularly dealing with. See Searching for community members.
Constituencies are maintained in the lookup table luConstituency, listed in alphabetical code order. See Maintaining lookup tables in the System maintenance manual.

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