Asset Maintenance - Linked Assets tab

Asset Maintenance - Linked Assets tab

Use the Linked Assets tab to link the selected asset to other assets and maintain the relationships between them.

Assets can be linked with other assets to form a group of assets. Each group of assets has a main asset to which others are linked. Linked assets must either be a main asset or linked to a main asset.

 Opening the Linked Assets tab

To open the Linked Assets tab:

  1. Select Module > General Ledger > Asset Register Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Asset Search Criteria window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the Asset Register by clicking .

  2. Search for the asset. See Searching for assets.
    The General tab of the Asset Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Linked Assets tab.
    The Linked Assets tab of the Asset Maintenance window is displayed.

Asset Maintenance - Linked Assets tab key fields and buttons




Purchase Cost

Total purchase cost of the linked assets in the grid area.

Y.T.D. Depreciation

Total year-to-date depreciation of the linked assets in the grid area. See Running asset depreciation calculations.

Written Down Value

Total written down value of the linked assets in the grid area. See Running asset depreciation calculations.

Sale Price

Total sale price of the linked assets in the grid area, if the assets are sold.  See Selling assets.

Profit on Sale

Total profit of the linked assets in the grid area, if the assets are sold.

Grid area fields




Asset number of the linked asset.


Type of asset.


Description of the linked asset.


Quantity of linked assets.

Note: More than one asset of the same type may exist in Synergetic. For example, if three identical cars were purchased on different dates.

Purch Date

Purchase date of the asset.

Purch Cost

Purchase cost of the asset.




Launch Asset Maintenance for the highlighted asset. See Maintaining assets.

Tip: Double click on the asset in the grid area to quickly launch Asset Maintenance for the selected asset.

Set the current asset to the main asset in the group. Enter the word MAIN to verify.

Note: You may need to relabel the physical assets to indicate the new main asset.

Link another asset to the current group, after selecting an asset. See Searching for assets.

Link another asset to the current group and make the new asset the main asset, after selecting it. See Searching for assets.

Unlink the selected asset from the current group.

Note: Main assets cannot be separated from a group. If you need to separate a main asset, first set another asset as the group's main asset.

Displays the Linked Assets Legend window to describe the meaning of the formatting of the assets listed.