Use the Abilities tab to view information about the ability of attendees to perform physical activities.
Excursion Maintenance - Attendees bar - Abilities tab key fields and buttons
Grid area fields
Note: The grid area fields contain filters. See Sorting and filtering grids in the Introduction manual.
Field | Description |
Attendee Type | Type of attendee. See the luAttendeeType lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual. |
Name | Name of the attendee. |
Constituencies | Constituencies the attendee is part of. |
Status | Attendance status of the attendee. See the luCommunityCurrEventStatus lookup table in the Community Portal manual. |
First Aid | Whether the attendee has first aid qualifications. Note: This field is only displayed when an Attendee Type of Assistant or Staff is selected. |
Substitutions | Whether there are substitutions required for the staff member. Note: This field is only displayed when an Attendee Type of Staff is selected. |
WWC Check | Whether the assistant has a current working with children check. Note: This field is only displayed when an Attendee Type of Assistant is selected. |
ID | Community ID of the attendee. |
Consent | Whether consent has been provided for the student to attend the excursion. Note: This field is only displayed when an Attendee Type of Attendee is selected. |
Payment | Whether payment for the excursion has been made. Note: This field is only displayed when an Attendee Type of Attendee is selected. |
Page size | Select the number of attendees displayed on each page. |
Button | Description |
Launch the Search window to add community members as attendees. See Adding attendees to an excursion. | |
Delete the selected attendee from the excursion. | |
Launch community maintenance for the selected attendee. | |
Bulk add attendees to the excursion. See Adding attendees to an excursion in bulk. |
Field | Description |
Attending Status | Attendance status of the community member. See the luCommunityCurrEventStatus lookup table in the Community Portal manual. Note: This field is only visible when an attendee is selected in the grid area field. |
Attendee Type | Attendee type of the community member. See the luAttendeeType lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual. Note: This field is only visible when an attendee is selected in the grid area field. |
Abilities tab fields
Field | Description |
Student Abilities | Description of the student ability. For example, Can swim 50 metres. Note: Student abilities are maintained in the luAbilityType lookup table. See luAbilityType lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual. |
Level | Ability level of the student. For example, easily. Note: You can maintain student abilities including ability levels using the Ability tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Ability tab in the Synergetic Current students manual. |