Creating instruments

Creating instruments

You can create Instruments for each Section in your organisation's band including:

  • french horn
  • flute
  • piano.

Note: Instruments are the level two subject class categories of Music Maintenance. See the luSubjectClassCategory lookup table.

To create instruments:

  1. Select Curriculum > Music Maintenance from the SynWeb main menu.

    The title of the Co-Curricular Maintenance menu item is determined by the MenuText field in the luFileTypeProgram lookup table. See the luFileTypeProgram lookup table.

    The Set Section Search Criteria window is displayed.

    The windows in Music Maintenance use the words Section and Instrument. This text is set using the SubjectClassCategoryLevel fields on the luFileTypeProgram lookup table. See the luFileTypeProgram lookup table
  2. Click .
    The Music Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Select a section in the Section Selector.
  4. Click the Students bar.
    The Students bar is displayed.
  5. Click in the Instruments area.
    The Create New Instrument window is displayed.
  6. Type a Code for the instrument. For example, French horn.
  7. Type a Description for the instrument. For example, French horn.
  8. Select a Staff Member to teach the instrument.
  9. Click .
    The instrument is displayed in the Section Selector.
  10. Repeat steps 5 through 9 to add additional instruments.

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