Locations (SES)

ALocation AGEIDSchool code allocated to each campus by the Department of Education.
  • This field is defined by populating the Location AGEID value assigned to each campus at your organisation into the MCEETYASchoolCode field of the relevant row of the luCampus lookup table. See luCampus lookup table.

Important: You must ensure that all campuses at your organisation have the MCEETYASchoolCode field of the luCampus lookup table populated with their corresponding Location AGEID values. Single-campus organisations must update one campus row and multi-campus organisations must update all relevant campus rows.

Note:  If the MCEETYASchoolCode field of the luCampus lookup table is not populated this value is defined using the Value field of the MCEETYA_SchoolCode configuration setting. See MCEETYA_SchoolCode configuration setting.

BLocation Name (Optional)

Location name for each campus.

  • This field is defined using the MCEETYASchoolCode and Description fields of the luCampus lookup table. See luCampus lookup table.
  • When:

    • Only one row in the luCampus lookup table has the MCEETYASchoolCode populated this field is populated with the Description field value.
    • Multiple rows in the luCampus lookup table have the MCEETYASchoolCode populated this field is populated with all the pipe-separated Description field values (e.g. Junior|Senior).

Note:  If the MCEETYASchoolCode field of the luCampus lookup table is not populated for any campuses this value is defined using the Value field of the MCEETYA_SchoolName configuration setting. See MCEETYA_SchoolName configuration setting.

CBoarding students at Location? (Y or N)Used to indicate whether boarding students are included in the report.
  • Select the boarding status of students using the Boarder field on the Status sub-tab of the School tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab.
  • This value is Y when your organisation has students with a SynergyMeaning is BOARDER. Otherwise, this value is N.

Note: You must ensure the option selected in the Boarder field value has a SynergyMeaning of BOARDER. For more information, see luBoarder lookup table.

DLocation education level (Primary, Secondary, Combined)Education level of your organisation.
  • This field is defined using the Year Level field on the Status sub-tab of the School tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab.
  • This field has a value of either:

    • Primary for schools with only primary school students
    • Secondary for schools with only secondary school students
    • Combined for schools with both primary and secondary school students. 
EFirst NameFirst name of the primary contact at your organisation.
FLast NameLast name of the primary contact at your organisation.
GPosition (Optional)Occupation position of the primary contact at your organisation.
HPhone NumberPhone number of the primary contact at your organisation. 
IEmail AddressEmail address of the primary contact at your organisation.