Using joins to free up home teachers for planning

You can use joins to free up home teachers for planning by assigning specialist subjects to entire year levels for a given time period.

For related videos, see Videos.

To use joins to free up home teachers for planning:

  1. Open Primary Time.
    The Year Group Allocation tab is displayed.

    Select Allocation > Year Group from the main menu, if already using Primary Time.
  2. Create a subject join across multiple year levels. See Using joins to set up subjects for a year level.
  3. Click the Schedule tab.
    The Schedule tab is displayed.
  4. Select the Year Group drop-down list.
  5. Select the Year Group to be scheduled.
  6. Select the period where the join is to be scheduled.

    The name of the row containing the join will correspond with the name of the first subject in the join.
  7. Click .
    The join is scheduled for all year groups in the grade.

    If the join cannot be allocated to a particular period, review the information window for full details.