Visitor Sign-In and Out

Visitor Sign-In and Out

Visitor Kiosk

To enable the Visitor sign-in/out functionality, the kiosks role must have Visitor Enabled: True
The visitor kiosk combines student and visitor sign-in/out so will work with any of the students flows (Reception, Peripatetic and Sickbay)

The supervision of an attendance officer is required as the kiosk is not a stand-alone device.

Visitor Sign-In

When a visitor arrives at the school grounds, the attendance officer should ensure they have completed the required induction process then prompt the visitor to the kiosk to sign in to the school grounds

1. Press the “Visitor” button

2. Select the Sign-in button, proceeding the visitor through the sign-in flows


3. Read & understand the Conditions of Entry and schools visitor policy

4. Select the checkbox, to agree to the policy

NOTE: The Visitor Policy can be configured in SynMain under System > School Settings Maintenance > DocMan. Import your policy in the form of a PDF document and give it a Document Classification that has a SynergyMeaning of ‘KioskVisitorConditionOfEntry’.

5. Populate your

  • Title

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Organisation

  • Mobile

  • Email

6. Populate the purpose of the visit

  • Reason for visit

  • Host

7. Upon the visitor completing the sign-in steps, the sign-in event will be pushed into synergetic and a printed visitor slip will be printed for the visitor.
The visitor must display the printed slip (recommend inserting slip into a lanyard) so school staff can validate the visitor has signed in and is not trespass on the school grounds.

1. In the Synergetic menu for either windows or web applications, navigate to System → Visitor Maintenance

2. Use the filters to refine the visitor record
(Event Type → Check In)

3. View/Audit/Report on the visitor records


Visitor Sign-Out

When a Visitor departs the school grounds, the attendance officer should prompt the visitor to the kiosk to sign-out

1. Press the “Visitor” button

2. Select the Sign-in button, proceeding the visitor through the sign-in flows

3. Populate your

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Mobile

4. Upon the visitor completing the sign-out steps, the sign-out event will be pushed into synergetic.


1. In the Synergetic menu for either windows or web applications, navigate to System → Visitor Maintenance

2. Use the filters to refine the visitor record
(Event Type → Check out)

3. View/Audit/Report on the visitor records


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