Student Peripatetic

Student Peripatetic

Peripatetic Kiosk

Co-curricular activities such as music or drama classes can run outside of the regular class schedule, and the kiosk can capture the attendance at these locations. The kiosk is seen as the best and fastest way to track these movements, even if the second layer of teacher class attendance checking is also occurring. 

To enable the student Peripatetic functionality, the kiosks role must have type: “Peripatetic”
(More information on configuring kiosk roles here)

The supervision of an attendance officer is required as the kiosk is not a stand-alone device.


Student check-in

The student will either scan the barcode on their student card or enter their student ID manually by selecting the “I can’t use my card” button.


Since a peripatetic kiosk has 1 check-in reason associated with its role, the student is automatically checked in to the class with an absence event generated and recorded in synergetic.

If a printer is configured, then a slip will be printed

Student check-out

The student will either scan the barcode on their student card or select the “I can’t use my card” button, enter their student ID (synergetic ID) and select continue to progress.

Since a peripatetic kiosk has 1 check-out reason associated with its role, the student is automatically checked out of the class with an absence event generated and recorded in synergetic.

If a printer is configured, then a slip will be printed

A peripatetic kiosk infers the check-in and check-out events. This logic is based on absence events and the kiosks roles.

  • If a student checks in with a kiosk and later uses a kiosk with the same role - the student will be checked out.

  • If a student checks in with a kiosk and later uses a kiosk with a different role - the student will be checked into the new location.


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