You can use the NAPLAN tab to export projected listings of all students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9. There are two export modes. You can use the:
- Selected Year Projection mode to export the NAPLAN student registration data (including Finalised Future Students) for the selected Year.
- Next Year Projection mode to export the NAPLAN student registration data for next year (i.e Year + 1).
Note: The Next Year Projection export is typically performed late in the current year when the government requests Year 3 registration data for next year. The Next Year Projection process finds all current and finalised future Students enrolled on the Process Date (NAPLAN test date), increments their Year Level by one, and exports the students whose incremented Year Level matches the selected Year Level From and To range.
To open the NAPLAN tab: - Select Module > Students > Student Data Import/Export from the main menu.
The WA SCSA tab of the Import/Export Student Data window is displayed. Tip: You can also access the student import and export functions by clicking .
- Click the NAPLAN tab.
The NAPLAN tab of the Import/Export Student Data window is displayed.

Note: This tab may look different for your state or territory. The screenshot above shows the fields displayed for schools from the Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales.
Field mapping, field configurations and inclusion criteria
Field mapping (all schools)
You need to map Synergetic values to NAPLAN values using the state-level demographic interface settings. See Using the Interface Settings window.

Note: Queensland organisations map Synergetic values to NAPLAN values using the QCAANAPLAN interface setting.
State-level field configurations
Each state uses a different set of field configurations to prepare the NAPLAN export. For information about the field configurations for each state, please click the link below.
State | Field configurations |
Note: Synergetic understands that the Australian Capital Territory government reports NAPLAN data on schools' behalf based on student census data submissions. See Import_Export Student Data - Demographic tab. | NSW | | NT | | QLD |
| SA | | TAS | | VIC | | WA |
Note: Synergetic understands that the Western Australian government reports NAPLAN data on schools' behalf based on student census data submissions. See Import_Export Student Data - WA SCSA tab. |
Inclusion criteria

Current and future students must meet the criteria specfied below to be included in the Selected Year Projection and Next Year Projection exports.
Student Type | Year Level | Field | Requirement | See... |
Current | Year 2 | Leaving Date | Student must not have a leaving date prior to the NAPLAN Process Date (see below). |
| NextYearCampus/NextYearLevel | Student must have a NextYearCampus/NextYearLevel combination that places them in Year 3 in the next year. | luYearLevel lookup table | Status | Student must not have a Status of Repeating. |
| Year 3 | Status | Student must have a Status of Repeating. |
| Other | O'ride Nxt Yr Campus/Next Year | Student must have an O'ride Nxt Yr Campus and Next Year combination that places them in Year 3 in the next year. |
| Future | Year 2 | Year Level | Student must be enrolled into Year 2 in the current year. | Future Student Maintenance - Applications tab | NextYearCampus/NextYearLevel | Student must have a NextYearCampus/NextYearLevel combination that places them in Year 3 in the next year. | luYearLevel lookup table | Year 3 | Enrolment Date/Year Level | Student must have an enrolment with an Enrolment Date on or prior to the NAPLAN Process Date (see below) and a Year Level of 3. |
Import/Export Student Data - NAPLAN tab key fields and buttons
Field | Description |
School Code | Code used to identify the school in Australia. Note: You can define the default value of this field using the MCEETYA_SchoolCode configuration setting. See MCEETYA_SchoolCode configuration setting. |
Selected Year Projection | Select to export all students in year levels 3, 5, 7 and 9 in the current year. Note: For information about the inclusion criteria for current and future students, see the Selected Year Projection inclusion criteria. |
Next Year Projection | Select to export all students projected to be in year levels 3, 5, 7 and 9 in the next year. Note: For information about the inclusion criteria for current and future students, see the Projected Year Projection inclusion criteria. |
Year Level From / To | Range of year levels to export. Note: The Year Level 3, 5, 7 and 9 restriction is respected unless turned off using the NoYearLevel configuration setting. See NoYearLevelRestriction configuration setting. |
Process Date | Date when the tests were held. The month of May was chosen as the most appropriate time for the national tests. It is early enough in the year for the test results to be used as a diagnostic tool. |
Gender | Gender of students to export. You can select either: - all
- males only
- females only
- others only.
Sector | School sector of the NAPLAN test. You can select: - IND (Independent)
- CATH (Catholic)
- GOV (Government).
Note: This field is only displayed for NSW and ACT schools. You can define the region using the RegionCode configuration setting. Note: You can use the NAPLAN_NSW_Sector configuration setting to define the default value of the NAPLAN Sector field. See NAPLAN_NSW_Sector configuration setting. |
File Name | Name and location of exported file. |
Progress | Progress of the import. |
Button | Description |
| Select the file location. |
| Create the NAPLAN file. |
| Cancel and exit. |