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Customising the tab

Community Portal administrators can customise aspects attributes of the tab using the Menu sub-tab of the Online Configuration window. See Online Configuration - Menu sub-tab.

: Admin user logins are separated by commas between the <AdminUserNames></AdminUserNames> tags in the XML configuration file. See Editing the SynCommPortal.xml configuration file.

 You can also access the Admin Panel if you have been assigned the CommunityPortalAdminPanel security resource in Group/User Security Maintenance. See Group Security Maintenance - Groups View in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

Customising the tab branding

Configuring the Communications Centre

You can determine which communications are displayed on the Communications Centre by selecting the CommPortalVisibleForCommunications field on the luDocumentClassification lookup table for each communication you want to display. See luDocumentClassification lookup table.

Communications linked to a document classification with the CommPortalVisibleForCommunications field selected are displayed on the Communications Centre once they are added to one of the following tabs:

Note: All communications sent to community members are automatically displayed in the appropriate Correspondence tab.