- Open the Area sub-tab of Subject Assessment Maintenance. See Subject Assessment Maintenance - Area tab - Area sub-tab.
The Area sub-tab of the Area tab of the Subject Assessment Maintenance window is displayed. - Search for the subject area. See Searching for subjects and assessment areas.
- Select the area to merge into on the Subject Assessment Selector window.
- Click
The Merge Assessment Area Detail window is displayed. on the Area sub-tab. - Select the other areas to be merged into the current area.
In this example, we are merging the Homework area into the Writing area. - Click
The selected areas are added to the Items to be merged field.
Tip: To remove items, you can select the Items to be merged and click . . - Click .
The following dialog window is displayed.
Note: A dialog window similar to the example below is displayed if there are existing student results. Follow the instructions on the window. - Click
The areas are merged. .