carer at home |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
S | Country of birth: student | Country of birth of the student. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field is defined using the Country of Birth field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
- This field is populated with the relevant ExternalSystemCode value from the luCountry lookup table provided the ExternalSystemType field has a value of MCEETYA. See luCountry lookup table.
T | Full Fee Paying Overseas Student (FFPOS) status | Whether the student is a full-fee paying overseas student. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field is defined using the Full Fee Paying field on the Debtor tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Debtor tab.
- This field has a value of either:
- 1 - FFPOS
- 2 - Non-FFPOS
- 9 - Not State or unknown.
U | Middle Names | Middle names of the student. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This value is defined using the second text box of the Given field on the Name tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Name tab.
- This value has a maximum length of 50 characters.
V | Preferred Name | Preferred name of the student. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This value is defined using the Preferred field on the Name tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Name tab.
- This value has a maximum length of 20 characters.