When you first start Student Maintenance, the Current Student Maintenance Search Criteria window is displayed to allow you to find the students you want.
Note: You can also access this window by clicking the button on the banner containing the name of any student.
How to use the Current Student Maintenance Search Criteria window
On the Current Student Maintenance Search Criteria window you can:
Student alerts
If the student has an alert assigned to them, the following window appears.
Tip: Select Do not show alerts again this session to hide alert messages for the student until you next log in to SynWeb.
Note: The information in the window and whether the window appears at all depends on how the Alerts tab is set up in Synergetic. See Current Student Maintenance - Alerts tab in the Synergetic Current students manual.
Navigation bars
A single navigation bar may be expanded depending on your last session or criteria selections.
Student search window key fields and buttons
General area fields
Field | Description |
File Type | Search for students by the file type of the class. Note: The system administrator defines the file types. Refer to the Synergetic System maintenance manual. |
Year & | Search for students by year and term of enrolment. Note: 'Term' could mean 'semester' or 'reporting period' at your organisation. |
Campus | Search for students by the campus they are enrolled at, if applicable. |
Sub School | Search for students by the sub-school they are grouped into, if applicable.
Year Level | Search for students by year level. |
Student area fields
Field | Description |
Active Student | Search for students based on whether students are active or not. |
ID Tagged IDs | Search for a student by their Synergetic ID number. |
Surname | Search for students by last name. |
Preferred | Search for students by preferred name. |
House | Search for students by house. |
Gender | Search for students by gender. Note: You can define the list of genders used at your organisation using the luGender lookup table. See luGender lookup table. |
Field | Description |
External Student | Search for:
Studies Code | Search for a student by either their:
Gov Student No | Student number assigned to the student by the government. |
Form | Search for students by form. |
Tutor Group | Search for students by tutor group. |
Status | Search for students by status. |
Full Fee | Search for full fee paying students or non-full fee paying students only. |
Learning Pathway | Student's learning pathway. For example, International Baccalaureate. Note: For information about defining learning pathways, see the luLearningPathway lookup table. See luLearningPathway lookup table. Note: This field is used to report student learning pathway selections to the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA). This information is included in the Register New Student File, which can be exported for submission to the QCAA using the QCAA tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. See Import_Export Student Data - QCAA tab. |
Class/Course area fields
Field | Description |
Campus | Search for students by the campus where their classes or courses are held. |
Course Code | Search for students by course code, if applicable. |
Linked Course Code | Search for students with courses that are linked to the course code specified, if applicable. |
Course Status | Search for students by the status of their course, if applicable. |
Class Code | Search for students by class code, if applicable. |
Active Student Classes Only | Search only for classes that contain active students, if applicable. |
Student Classes | Search for students with or without classes. |
Staff Code | Search for students by their teacher's staff code. |
Contact area fields
Field | Description |
Surname | Search for students by the last name of one of their contacts. |
Preferred | Search for students by the preferred name of one of their contacts. |
Suburb | Search for students by suburb. |
Postcode | Search for students by postcode. |
Activity area fields
Field | Description |
Activity | Search for students based on recent activities. |
Activity Status | Search for students based on the status of recent activities. |
Activity By | Search for students based on recent activities performed by a selected community member. |
Follow Up Date | Search for students based on recent activities with a set follow up date. |
Follow Up | Search for students based on recent activities that have been marked as requiring a follow up. |
Follow Up By | Search for students based on recent activities that have been marked as requiring a follow up by the specified community member. |
Boarding area fields
Field | Description |
Boarder Type | Search for students by residential status. Typical values include:
Boarding House | Search for students by residence, if the student is a boarder. |
Button | Description |
Create a new student. See Creating new students. | |
Search for a student based on the search criteria you have entered. | |
Clear all your search criteria so you can start a new search. |