Maintaining bookings by period

You can view and maintain bookings for the class periods using the Bookings - By Period window.

 Opening the Bookings - By Period window

To open the Bookings - By Period window:

  1. Select Objects > Bookings - By Period in the SynWeb main menu.
    The Bookings - By Period window is displayed.

Bookings - By Period window key fields and buttons

Search Criteria area fields




Select the date you want to book objects for.

Object Type

Select the type of object you want to view.


Select a category of object.

My Bookings

Select to view only your own bookings.

Show Location

Select to display the location of each object underneath it.

Schedule grid fields

The Schedule grid displays timeslots for:

  • objects that have not been booked in yellow
  • objects that have been booked by you in green
  • objects that have been booked by other people in blue
  • timetable bookings in grey.




The period for which the booking is made.


The resource to be booked.

Schedule menu options

Right click on the relevant timeslot in the Schedule grid to access the Schedule menu.

Menu option


Launch the Add Booking window to book the selected resource for this staff member. See Adding bookings by period.

Object Booking menu options

Right click on the relevant object booking in the Schedule grid to access the Object Booking menu.

Note: The options displayed depend on whether the selected booking belongs to you or another staff member, and if you have a wait list request for the object.

Menu option


Launch the Edit Booking window to edit this booking.

Delete this booking.

Launch the Add to Wait List window to add your name to the waiting list for this object.

Edit your waiting list request for this object.

Delete your waiting list request for this object.




Display objects and bookings for the selected date, type and category.

Open the Object Search window to search for objects.