What's new in Assessment and reports

Version 71.08
This section outlines changes to the Assessments and reports manual arising from changes made to SynWeb (Versions 71.02-71.03).


More information


New Victorian Curriculum Maths Strands

You can use the Subject Assessment Other Definition Maintenance window to load the latest Victorian Curriculum Maths strands.

These strands are optional in 2024. If you would like to:

  • use the old maths strands, you can simply copy the 2023 Victorian Curriculum framework to 2024. See Copying existing curriculum frameworks to new years.
  • use the new maths stands you need to:

    - load the 2024 Victorian Curriculum framework
    - delete the old maths strands
    - re-link subject assessment areas to the new strands.

See Applying the 2024 Victorian Curriculum Maths 2.0 strands.

Using the Subject Assessment Other Definition Maintenance window

Copying existing curriculum frameworks to new years

Applying the 2024 Victorian Curriculum Maths 2.0 strands