Learning Area Maintenance - Classes bar

Learning Area Maintenance - Classes bar

The Classes bar is used to record the classes that are associated with the learning area.

 Opening the Learning Area Maintenance - Classes bar

To open the Classes bar:

  1. Select Curriculum > Learning Area Maintenance from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Set Learning Area Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Search for the learning area. See Searching for learning areas.
  3. Click the Classes bar.

    : You can click anywhere on the bar to open it.

    The Classes bar of the Learning Area Maintenance window is expanded.

Learning Area Maintenance - Classes bar key fields and buttons




Year & Term

Select the year and term to display classes for.

All Years

Select to display all classes that have been associated with the learning area, regardless the year and term.

All Semesters for selected Year

Select to display all classes associated with the learning area for all terms or semesters in the selected year.

Grid area fields




Click to select the class.


Unique code for the class.


Name of the class.


Staff code for the staff member primarily responsible for the class.

Delete the class in the selected row from the learning area.




Launch the Search Class window to add a new class to the learning area.

Delete the selected class from the learning area.

Common buttons



Navigate between learning areas.

Launch the Create New Learning Area window to add a new learning area. Type the details for the course and click .

Display the Learning Area Maintenance Search Criteria window.

You can update the search criteria and search for new learning areas. See Searching for learning areas.

Customise how the bars are displayed. See Customising navigation bars in the Introduction manual.

Create a new task relating to the current learning area. See Managing tasks in the Introduction manual.

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