Creditor Maintenance - Journals tab

Use the Journals tab to view general ledger journals for the creditor in the selected year.

 Opening the Journals tab

To open the Journals tab:

  1. Select Module > Creditors > Creditor Maintenance.
    The Set Creditor Search Criteria window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the Set Creditor Search Criteria window by clicking .
  2. Search for the creditor. See Searching for creditors.
    The General tab of the Creditor Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Journals tab.
    The Journals tab of the Creditor Maintenance window is displayed.

Creditor Maintenance - Journals tab key fields and buttons




G/L Year

The general ledger year that the journals apply to.

Grid area fields




Date of the journal posting.

G/L Code

General ledger code that the transaction was posted against.

Journal Description

Description of the transaction.


Amount of the transaction.

Local Amt

Amount of the invoice in your organisation's default currency, including GST.

Tax Code

Tax code applied to the transaction.


Amount of tax payable on the transaction.


Amount of the transaction, not including tax amounts.

Posting No

Journal posting number.


Source of the posting, for example creditor's invoice.

Order No

Purchase order number, if applicable.


Sequence number of the journal.

Sub Alloc

General ledger sub-allocation code, if applicable.

Sub Alloc Desc

Description of the general ledger sub-allocation code, if applicable.

Cred Tran

Creditor's transaction number.

Inv No Issued

Invoice number issued from Debtors or General Ledger module.

Inv Line Desc

Creditor's invoice description.

Crd Inv No

Creditor's invoice number for your organisation.

Crd Inv Date

Creditor's invoice date.

Chq No

Cheque number, if the invoice was paid by cheque.

Chq Date

Cheque date, if the invoice was paid by cheque.

Rvrs Jnl Seq

Sequence number for reversing entry, if applicable.


Select if the journal entry records income.

Classif'n Code

General ledger classification code for the transaction.


Adjustment details if applicable.

BAS Posting2

BAS posting details, if the transaction has been added to a BAS.




Click Refresh to update the screen after typing a different G/L Date.

Open the Journals tab of General Ledger Maintenance for the highlighted journal entry.