Synergetic Suite v70.19

Release Date


Release Status



64 Issues


We are pleased to announce that Version 70.19 of the Synergetic suite of products is available now.

The major changes in this release contains:

  • Synweb Medical Maintenance. See Medical details.
  • Timetabler v10 integration - note that the following Timetabler imports are supported for v10 in Synergetic

    • Standard student classes import
    • Yard duty import
    • Substitute teacher import
    • Meetings data import

  • Compliance reports
  • Performance improvements

In addition to these changes, this release contains compliance work, improvements and other bug fixes.

Please be aware that as of Synergetic Version 70.18 we have upgraded the underlying framework that Synergetic uses for its web products. Our web applications now use .NET Framework Version 4.8. Consequently any school that upgrades to Version 70.18 or higher will be required to upgrade their server's .NET Framework version to 4.8.

Please refer to this document under the section Supported server operating systems to ascertain whether the target server supports .NET Framework 4.8.

To download the .NET 4.8 Framework, go to the Microsoft download site and select the option Download .NET Framework 4.8 runtime. Then execute the downloaded file and follow the instructions.

Compliance Work

TypeIssue keySummaryProductModule/ProgramNotes
ImprovementDSY-22013Standard Academic Report - Vic Curric - 5 Point Scale - 2021CrystalAssessments and Reporting -> Print Student Reports
ImprovementDSY-22848Update list of NZQA providers into reference tableSynDBStudent Maint -> Import/Export Student Data
ImprovementDSY-22737CS NSW - CENSUS Report (Variation of STUCENS 3)

ImprovementDSY-23076Returning LoA Students in the DESE Address Collection (SES Export)

ImprovementDSY-22939SCSA - Add ABLEWA logic to SRGDG
BugDSY-23198Student Demographic Export does not extract VISA sub class codes due to Citizenship sort order having the value null


TypeIssue keySummaryProductModule/Program
ImprovementDSY-22940GET Future StudentDeveloper Portal
ImprovementDSY-23193Student Results - Single Student - Add index to temp table to improve speed of saving resultsSynDB, SynWebAssessments and Reporting -> Student Results Maint
ImprovementDSY-23217Improve performance of Debtor Aged Receipts reportSynDBDebtors
ImprovementDSY-23115Improve SIF performance for Timetable import when schools that don't use SIFSynDB
ImprovementDSY-23224Improve speed of vDonationReceiptsSynDB
ImprovementDSY-21961SQL Injection is possible in ajax endpoint call in SP dbo.fnQuotes()SynDB
ImprovementDSY-22174Staff maintenance > Classes tab slow performanceSynDB
ImprovementDSY-23091Update view "vStudentContactAllAddress" to include genderSynDB
ImprovementDSY-23228Improve speed of Payments tab in Creditor MaintenanceSynMainCreditors -> Creditor Maint
ImprovementDSY-22975Investigate Debtor Statement Split logic and add loggingSynMainDebtors -> Debtor Statements
ImprovementDSY-23139Improve speed in Lookup Table MaintenanceSynMainSystem -> Lookup Tables Maint
ImprovementDSY-21979Notifications Maintenance takes 20 seconds or more to loadSynMain
ImprovementDSY-22119Timetabler Integration Version 10 UpdatesSynMain
ImprovementDSY-23060Add logging to assist in diagnosis of excursion maintenance performance problemSynWebExcursion Management -> Excursion Maintenance
ImprovementDSY-22260A feature to launch me into immediately logging a Medical IncidentSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22259A way to navigate to the Medical Maintenance module in SynWebSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22538Add more details to an Incident (Injury details, follow-up, etc.)SynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22749Advise user when they have multiple open incidentsSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22498Create Actions to update SynMain with medical informationSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22262Create a new Medical IncidentSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22752Create an absence event when a Student is signed out SynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22530Display a summary of the Incident that can be printed by the SchoolSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22529Display the student profile photo so that Users know who they are creating incidents forSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22487Do a Community search to filter down to find a person to create an incident forSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22753Enable User to search with a Student IDSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22474Filter through people with an open Medical Incident SynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22751Make 'released to' option a mandatory field when signing outSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22528Make life-threatening and critical severity medical items highly visible on the student's profileSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22497Show "Public Medical Alert" in a highly visible way on the Student bannerSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22507Sign out a Student and remove them from the list of active incidentsSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22277View Consents as provided by the Student or their next of kinSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22485View a Medical Incident when the User clicks on oneSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22266View a Student's Healthcare Information (Medicare, Health Insurance, Blood Group, etc.)SynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22275View a Student's Immunisation HistorySynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22264View a Student's Medical ConditionsSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22273View a Student's Medical PlanSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22267View a Student's list of MedicationsSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22269View a list of a Student's AllergiesSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22263View existing Medical IncidentsSynWebMedical Records
ImprovementDSY-22271View the Contact Details for a StudentSynWebMedical Records

Bugs Resolved

TypeIssue keySummaryProductModule/Program
BugDSY-23068Crystal reports CEOVIC_F08 & CEOVIC_F09 displays hashes (#) instead of it's value due to the value being wider than the column lengthCrystalAssessments and Reporting -> Print Student Reports
BugDSY-22585Synweb Medical maintenance feedback and issuesDeveloper PortalMedical Records
BugDSY-22671Transferring a Future Student to Current, does not correctly find and re-use existing SIF RefID value where they were a Current Student previouslySynDBFuture Enrolments & Enquiries -> Transfer Future Students To Currents
BugDSY-22595Timetabler - If there are duplicate classes in the CSV file then nothing gets imported for timetabler due to substitute teachersSynDBImport/Export to/from Timetabler
BugDSY-21559Synweb Dashboard 'Show Unmarked' returns non-existing rollsSynDB
BugDSY-18664Timetabler Import not recording class description if no students allocated to classSynDB
BugDSY-23208Community Search by Check Status - Invalid Column Name 'CommunityCheckStatus'SynMainCommunity -> Community Maintenance
BugDSY-21932Debtor Charges Entry - Student Name doesn't always show upSynMainDebtors -> Debtor Charges Entry
BugDSY-20864Future Student Correspondence tab does not make use of the 'Include lives with' flag optionSynMainFuture Enrolments & Enquiries -> Future Student Maint
BugDSY-20372 Bulk Add Classes does not link to File TypeSynMainSubject Classes -> Student Class Allocation
BugDSY-23205Community Search by Skills Expiry Date - Error 'sqlCommandText does not return a result set'SynMain
BugDSY-21334Editing a private taglist to public keeps the expiry dateSynMain
BugDSY-23071Synmain - Payroll - Removing a leave code results in removing all the other leave code entitlementsSynMain
BugDSY-23202System-group/User security maintenance error in SynclientSynMain
BugDSY-21926Absent Event Maintenance: Null period causes error when editing a rowSynWebAttendances -> Absence Events Maintenance
BugDSY-21920System does not prompt user for invalid Campus/Year Level combinationSynWebStudent Maint -> Current Student Maint
BugDSY-22489SWMM - Severity, NotifiedBy, Medical Equipment records are not displayed in Medical Condition SynWebMedical Records
BugDSY-22797Tax Code always populating with FSynMainCreditors -> Creditor Invoice Entry