Synergetic Web Service


This document details the specification of the interface for third party software providers to integrate with the Synergetic database. 
The following web methods are provided under the Synergetic.Webservice application:


  • GetCommunityDetails – Returns a record with name and address details.
  • GetCommunityGroups – List of group memberships for a community member.
  • GetCommunityRelationships – List of relationships for a community member.
  • ChangeCommunityLoginPassword – Changes Community login password.
  • GeneratePIN – Generate PIN for mobile device.
  • InsertWkAttendances – initialises work table for attendances, needs to be called prior to working with attendances.
  • LoginUser – authenticates using windows authentication.
  • LoginWithPIN – authenticates using pre-generated PIN.
  • SearchStudent – searches student based on id/surname/preferred.
  • SelectCommunity – queries for a specific community member.
  • SelectCommunityPhoto – queries photo for a specific community member.
  • SelectConfig – queries config value.
  • SelectConfigUserPermissions – queries currently authenticated user's permissions.
  • SelectStudent – queries for a specific student.
  • SelectTimeTable – returns time table for a specific student.
  • SelectTimeTableSimple – returns time table for a specific student with a reduced number of columns.
  • SelectWkAttendance – returns attendance work table.
  • TransferWkAttendance – propagates changes in work table to actual attendance table.
  • UpdatePIN – updates PIN for specific mobile device.
  • UpdateWkAttendance – updates work attendance, accepts multiple updates in one call.
  • GetProfessionalDevelopment – returns professional development entry/ies.
  • CreateProfessionalDevelopment – creates a professional development entry.
  • UpdateProfessionalDevelopment – updates professional development entry.


  • GetGeneralLedgerAccounts - List accounts for the current GLYear and only accounts which the vendor is user authorised to view.
  • GetCreditors – List of creditor records filtered by specified category.
  • GetPurchaseOrders  List purchase orders allowing filters on order number, creditor and/or date range.
  • CreatePurchaseOrder – Create a new purchase order with details and returns the Synergetic assigned order number.
  • CancelPurchaseOrder – Marks a specified order as cancelled. Will error if the order has been filled or paid.

These Web service APIs are essentially wrappers for the underlying stored procedures therefore giving two different interfaces for accessing the data. It also takes XML as an input parameter and returning a single (or multiple records) XML object (for extensibility).