HROnboard Integration - Configuration and Use

Synergetic has the ability to receive staff onboarding information from the HROnboard system.  This allows your newly selected staff to complete their details within the HROnboard interface, and automatically trigger their details to be sent to Synergetic for easier entry to the Staff and Payroll modules.

This page covers the initial setup of the HROnboard integration, and the steps for users to subscribe to and process the Action Centre messages.

The details received from HROnboard will be shown to users through two Action Centre messages - one for the Community and Staff Maintenance details and one for Payroll Employee details.

Configuration - Synergetic


  • Synergetic v68.30 at minimum (v69 is recommended)
  • Staff Module
  • Payroll Module
  • SIF Integration (subscription module)
    The HROnboard integration requires the SIF module be purchased and enabled (as the integration uses a SIF message design to receive and process the information).  

Once able to be used, there are certain configuration aspects required to enable HROnboard data to be received and processed in Synergetic.


In order for HROnboard messages to be received, the Synergetic CoreAPI middleware and SIF integration endpoints must be installed and correctly configured.

If you have not yet had these abilities enabled, please contact Synergetic to arrange the necessary setup activities.  

You will also need to ensure that your network infrastructure (ie servers, routers and firewall rules) will allow the necessary traffic to be sent between HROnboard's site, and your Synergetic SIF end point.

SIF Settings - Consumer

Once you have obtained the SIF module, you will need to access the SIF Settings screen via the Synweb menu to create and configure HROnboard as a Consumer.

A general overview for accessing and using the SIF Settings interface is available here.

In the Base Settings section:

  • Make sure the "Is SIF Enabled?" slider is enabled (set the slider to "Yes").

In the SIF Provider Service section:

  • Make sure the Staff Personal object is enabled

In the SIF Versions → AU3.4 → SIF Consumers section

  • Create a new Consumer (eg "HROnboard").  Ensure that appropriately unique and complex values are used for the Application Key and Shared Secret values (as these will be used to generate the encrypted authorisation token).
  • Take note of the Token value - this will need to be shared with HROnboard as part of the configuration within their system.
  • Once you've created the Consumer record, launch into its specific permissions (using the > icon on the right side of the panel).
  • Within the Consumer permissions screen, in the Available Services list find the StaffPersonal record and change the slider in the Create column to "Yes".  You can safely leave all other permissions for this Consumer set to No, as the integration does not require them.
  • Ensure that the new Consumer is enabled

SIF Settings - Lookup Table Data Mapping

The HROnboard integration makes use of the SIF data model and structure; this requires that a very small amount of data mapping be configured for translating the SIF-based reference codes into the Synergetic internal value.

In the SIF Versions → AU3.4 → interface, you'll need to map the Gender values within the Inbound section per the example image below.

Action Centre - Message Subscriptions

The integration uses two new Action Centre messages to enable users to see and process the received information. 

These new messages types are visible within the System → Settings Maintenance (Action Centre Message Types) screen as shown below.  Make sure the two message types are showing as Active.

The messages have been deliberately split into non-finance (Staff) and finance (Payroll) types, to allow for different groups of users to have access to each depending on your organisation's workflow for setting up new staff and associated payroll data.

The next step is to grant permission to a Security Group, to see and process these messages.

  • Go to System → Group/User Security Settings and select the appropriate security group (or create a new one if preferred - make sure you also add users as members of the group)
  • In the right hand section of the screen, change the Resource drop down to Action Centre Types
  • Scroll down the right grid of Action Message type records until you find the SIF Staff entries:
    • SYSINT_SIF_StaffDetails_T
    • SYSINT_SIF_StaffPayrollDetails_T
  • Tick the Subscribe box for each message type

This will now allow anyone who is part of the security group to receive and Action Centre notification, then view and process the Action Messages.

Configuration - HROnboard

A number of configuration elements will need to be completed within the HROnboard system to ensure that the integration is enabled and the correct information is sent.

Please contact your HROnboard support contact to request this integration be enabled for your site.  Certain information will be required to be shared as follows:

Relationship codes

HROnboard contains options for a number of relationship values (for emergency contacts of the new employee) - the default values used by Synergetic will be configured initially in HROnboard's system, however if you are using differing code values for the below relationship entries in the table luRelationship, you will need to share the details with HROnboard for ensuring appropriate reconfiguration within their system.


Synergetic SIF endpoint details

The URL for the Synergetic SIF Endpoint - the exact URL value will depend on your organisation's Synergetic setup, however will be something like the below example:

The Synergetic support team can assist with confirming the particular value required if needed.

HROnboard SIF Consumer credentials

To allow the HROnboard application to successfully send new information to Synergetic, you will need to set up a new Consumer record for HROnboard, and configure this entry with appropriate permissions and security key details.

The SIF Consumers interface is documented here: SIF Settings and Configuration User Interface#SIFConsumers

Ensure you perform the following steps at minimum:

  • Create and Enable the Consumer record
  • Enable Create permission for the StaffPersonals object (all other objects can be let without permission for the HROnboard Consumer)
  • Generate an appropriately secure Application Key and Shared Secret - once these are both populated they are used to generate a security Token value.

After generating the SIF Consumer entry for HROnboard, the Token value (which looks like a long string of random character values) will need to be provided to your HROnboard contact who is helping set up the integration for your organisation.

Ensure you copy and share the entire string - you can use the clipboard icon on the right of the string to automatically copy it to your computer's clipboard for pasting elswhere.

Processing Staff Onboarding Action Centre messages

Once a newly recruited employee has entered their required details within HROnboard's own interface and completed this, a data payload is sent to the Synergetic SIF end point.  This content is then processed and converted into the two separate Action Centre messages, and subscribed users will be notified by the Action Centre flag icon.

Opening Action Centre would then show two messages as below (note this assumes that the user has been given permission to see and process both message types).

It can be seen in the screenshot above, that the top message in the grid for the Payroll information is marked as having a Dependency.  This is because there is a specific order of processing required - the Payroll-themed message needs to know what the Community ID will be, which is determined via the user's processing of the initial Staff-themed message.  Once the ID is established via completing the Staff message, the Payroll message will then be enabled for completion and will link the additional information to the appropriate ID record.

Staff Action Message

Select the Staff message, then click the "Link/New" button located above the New Value/Current Value area of the details grid.

This will launch a new popup dialog, allowing you to choose to either link this new Staff record to an existing Community member, or alternatively create a new Community record for this person.

The dialog will pre-load the Surname and Given 1 search values as received via the Staff Onboard message and will look for any Community records with similar names to this information.  You can also change the search criteria as required and click "Find" to search again.

If matching Community results are returned, carefully review the details to verify whether one of these is actually the same person.  

  • If you determine that one of the existing Community records is the same person, highlight that record then click the 'Use This Person' button at the bottom of the dialog.
  • If you need to create a new community record for this new person, click the 'Create New Person' button instead.

Creating a New Community Record

After selecting to Create a new record and confirming this action, the dialog will close and the "Linked to Community Member" area of the Action Centre message will change to show that a new Community record is pending creation. 

Note: The new Community record will not be created until you have completed the Action message.  If you need to change your selection to Link to an existing record, you can click the "Link/New" button again and change your selection.

As this will be a completely new Community record, there are no pre-existing values to show, and so the 'Current Value' column within the grid will be empty.  

For each detail item in the grid, tick either the Accept or Reject box until all are selected.  As this information has been supplied by the new onboarding employee it is recommended to accept all values by default, however you can adjust the outcome as required.  Any values marked as rejected will be ignored when creating the Community and Staff records.

Tip: You can click the "Accept All" or "Reject All" buttons to quickly set every detail item at once.

Once you've accepted or rejected each item, click the "Apply Change Selections" to complete this message and create the Community and Staff records.  

Tip: You can alternatively use the "Apply and Launch" button to have the process also launch Community Maintenance and select the new person, to allow for additional data changes.

Linking to an Existing Community Record

If you have selected to link the new employee information to an existing Community member, after confirming on the search dialog the action message will now link to that existing person, and populate the 'Current Value' column in the grid with any details that already exist within Synergetic.

The "Linked to Community Member" box above the details will also change to show the name of the person selected from the Community.  

For each detail item in the grid, tick either the Accept or Reject box until all are selected.  Given the information provided in this message is more recent and supplied by the new employee directly, it is recommended to accept this new information; however you can also reject (ie ignore) any fields as deemed appropriate.  Any values marked as rejected will be ignored when creating and/or updating the Community and Staff records.

Tip: You can click the "Accept All" or "Reject All" buttons to quickly set every detail item at once.

Completing the message

Once you've accepted or rejected each item, click the "Apply Change Selections" to complete this message and create the Community and Staff records.  

Payroll Action Message

Important Note for sites using multiple finance entities (schemas) within Synergetic.

As this message contains payroll information which will be stored within a particular Synergetic finance entity, the information contained within this action message will only affect the finance entity you are currently logged into and cannot be copied to a different finance entity. 

You should ensure you are logged into an instance of Synergetic for the required finance entity before processing this message. 

The initial Staff action message does not contain any financial entity-related data, and can be safely processed while connected to any finance entity without impact.

Once the Staff action message has been completed, the Payroll message will have resolved its Staff message dependency, and will be updated to link to the Community record determined within the Staff message (either a new Community ID or the ID of the pre-existing person).

As the Community record has already been determined, there is no further need to link or search for a Community ID to use.

If the selected person already exists within the Payroll module for the finance entity, any pre-existing information for the listed items received from HROnboard will be shown in the 'Current Value' column.  

Review each item and tick either the Accept or Reject box.  If the Reject box is ticked, that particular item will be ignored during the final update stage.

Tip: You can click the "Accept All" or "Reject All" buttons to quickly set every detail item at once.

Completing the message

After you have ticked a selection for each item in the grid, click on "Apply Change Selections" to process and create/update the Payroll Employee record for this person.  

Tip: You can alternatively use the "Apply and Launch" button to have the process also launch Community Maintenance and select the new person, to allow for additional data changes.

The newly processed employee will now be available within Payroll Employee Maintenance for you to review and add further information as required to complete their setup within Synergetic.