Importing specialist teachers

Importing specialist teachers

Specialist teachers can be set up in two ways:

For related videos, see Videos.

To import specialist teachers:

  1. Create the CSV file of specialist teachers.
  2. Select Basic Data > Teachers from the main menu.

    The Teachers window is displayed.
  3. Click .
    The following dialog window is displayed.
  4. Click .
    The Open dialog window is displayed.
  5. Navigate to the file directory with the CSV file.
  6. Select the CSV file of specialist teachers.
  7. Click .
    The following dialog window is displayed.
  8. Click .
    The Teachers window is displayed with the imported teachers added to the grid area.
  9. Check all the teachers were imported successfully.

    Primary Time does not notify you if there is a duplicate code. In the following example, a duplicate teacher code in Synergetic prevented the teacher from being added. Update the teacher code to be unique and add the missing teacher manually. See
     Adding specialist teachers manually .

  10. Set the Appears in drop-down list, for any teachers not used in both the specialist and yard duty timetables.
  11. Select each teacher in turn.
  12. Update the teacher's available times for each day and period, as needed. See:
    • Defining school assemblies using teacher availability
    • Defining part-time teachers using teacher availability.
  13. Repeat steps 10 through 12 for each specialist teacher.
  14. Click .
  15. Click .