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AFirst NamesGiven names of the student.
This value
  • This value is defined using the
  • first text box of the Given field on the
  • Name tab of
Current Student
  • Community Maintenance. See
Current Student
This value
  • This value has a maximum length of
  • 20 characters.

Last Name

Surname of the student.
  • This value is defined using the Surname
field on
  • field on the
  • Name tab of
Current Student
  • Community Maintenance. See
Current Student
  • Name tab.
  • This value has a maximum length of
  • 30 characters.
CDate of BirthDate of birth of the student.
DGenderGender of the student.
  • This field is defined using the Gender drop-down list on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
  • This field has a value of either:

    • 1 for Male
    • 2 for Female
    • 3 for Intersex or Indeterminate
    • 9 for Not stated.

Note: You need to map the luGender values to the NAPLAN values using the QCAANAPLAN interface setting. See Using the Interface Settings window.

EYear LevelYear level of the student.
  • This value is defined using the Year Level drop-down list on the Status sub-tab of the School tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab.
  • This field has a maximum length of 1 character.
  • This field has a value of either 3, 5, 7 or 9.

Class Code

Class code for the student's class.
  • This value is defined using the Class Code field in Class Maintenance.
  • This Class Code is defined when the class is created. See Creating new classes.
  • This field has a maximum length of 10 characters.
  • This field can be either:

    • Populated to report students in alphabetical order by class code
    • Blank to treat students as a single class ordered alphabetically by Last Name

Indigenous Status

Indigenous status of the student.
  • This value is defined using the Indigenous Student and Torres Strait Islander fields on the Flags tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab.
  • This value has a value of:

    • 1 when the Indigenous Student field is selected
    • 2 when the Torres Strait Islander field is selected
    • 3 when both fields are selected
    • 4 when neither field is selected
    • 9 when the status is not-stated or unknown.

Student ID (School)

Synergetic ID assigned to the student.
  • This value is defined when students are added to the Synergetic community database.
  • This value has a maximum length of 11 characters.

LBOTE (language background other than English)

Whether the student has a language background other than English.
  • Select the home language of the student using the Home Language field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
  • This field has a value of:

    • Y when then student has a home language other than English
    • N when the student has a home language of English.

School Education: Parent/Carer 1

Highest level of secondary school education attained by the first parent or carer.
  • This field is defined using the Highest Secondary Year Level field on the Parent 1 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab - Parent 1 sub-tab.
  • This field has a value of:

    • 0 when the highest level of secondary school education is Not stated/unknown
    • 1 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 9 or equivalent or below
    • 2 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 10 or equivalent
    • 3 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 11 or equivalent
    • 4 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 12 or equivalent.

School Education: Parent/Carer 2

Highest level of secondary school education attained by the second parent.
  • This field is defined using the Highest Secondary Year Level field on the Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab - Parent 2 sub-tab.
  • This field has a value of:

    • 0 when the highest level of secondary school education is Not stated/unknown
    • 1 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 9 or equivalent or below
    • 2 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 10 or equivalent
    • 3 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 11 or equivalent
    • 4 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 12 or equivalent.
LNon-School education: Parent/Carer 1

Highest qualification level attained by the first parent or carer.
  • This field is defined using the Highest Qualification Level drop-down list on the Parent 1 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab - Parent 1 sub-tab.
  • This field has a value of:

    • 0 when the qualification is Not stated/unknown.
    • 5 when the qualification is Certificate I to IV (including trades)
    • 6 when the qualification is Diploma/Advanced Diploma
    • 7 when the qualification is Bachelor Degree or higher
    • 8 when the qualification is No non-school education.
MNon-School Education: Parent/Carer 2

Highest qualification level attained by the second parent or carer.
  • This field is defined using the Highest Qualification Level drop-down list on the Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab - Parent 2 sub-tab.
  • This field has a value of:

    • 0 when the qualification is Not stated/unknown.
    • 5 when the qualification is Certificate I to IV (including trades)
    • 6 when the qualification is Diploma/Advanced Diploma
    • 7 when the qualification is Bachelor Degree or higher
    • 8 when the qualification is No non-school education.
NOccupation: Parent/Carer 1

Occupation position of the first parent.
  • This field is defined using the Occupation Position drop-down list on the Parent 1 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab - Parent 1 sub-tab.
  • This field has a value of:

    • 1 when the parent has an occupation position of Senior management.
    • 2 when the parent has an occupation position of Other business manager.
    • 3 when the parent has an occupation position of Tradesperson, clerk, sales and service staff.
    • 4 when the parent has an occupation position of Machine operator.
    • 8 when the parent has an occupation position of Not in paid work.
    • 9 when the parent has an occupation position of Not stated/unknown.
OOccupation: Parent/Carer 2

Occupation position of the second parent.
  • This field is defined using the Occupation Position drop-down list on the Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab - Parent 2 sub-tab.
  • This field has a value of:

    • 1 when the parent has an occupation position of Senior management.
    • 2 when the parent has an occupation position of Other business manager.
    • 3 when the parent has an occupation position of Tradesperson, clerk, sales and service staff.
    • 4 when the parent has an occupation position of Machine operator.
    • 8 when the parent has an occupation position of Not in paid work.
    • 9 when the parent has an occupation position of Not stated/unknown.
PMain language spoken at home: student 

Main language other than English spoken by the student at home.
  • This field is defined using the Home Langauge drop-down list on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
  • This field is populated with the relevant ExternalSystemCode value from the luLanguage lookup table provided the ExternalSystemType field has a value of MCEETYA. See luLanguage lookup table.

Main language spoken at home: Parent/Carer 1

Main language other than English spoken by the first parent or carer at home
RMain language spoken at home: Parent/Carer 2Main language other than English spoken by the second parent or carer at home
SCountry of birth: studentCountry of birth of the student.
  • This field is defined using the Country of Birth field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
  • This field is populated with the relevant ExternalSystemCode value from the luCountry lookup table provided the ExternalSystemType field has a value of MCEETYA. See luCountry lookup table.
TFull Fee Paying Overseas Student (FFPOS) statusWhether the student is a full-fee paying overseas student.
  • This field is defined using the Full Fee Paying field on the Debtor tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Debtor tab.
  • This field has a value of either:

    • 1 - FFPOS
    • 2 - Non-FFPOS
    • 9 - Not State or unknown.
UMiddle NamesMiddle names of the student.
  • This value is defined using the second text box of the Given field on the Name tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Name tab.
  • This value has a maximum length of 50 characters.
VPreferred NamePreferred name of the student.
  • This value is defined using the Preferred field on the Name tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Name tab.
  • This value has a maximum length of 20 characters.