Excerpt |
Column | Heading | Description |
Delivery mode of the NAPLAN test.
- This value is defined using the NAPLAN Mode field on the NAPLAN tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. See below.
Sector | School sector of the NAPLAN test. | Configuration | Mandatory |
- This field is defined using the NAPLAN Sector field on the NAPLAN tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. See below.
B | School Name | Name of your organisation. | Configuration | Mandatory |
- This field has a maximum length of 255 characters.
C | ASL School ID | School code assigned to your organisation by ACARA. | Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field is defined using School Code field on the NAPLAN tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. See below.
- This field has a maximum length of 10 characters.
D | Student Registration Number (SRN) | Student identification number. | Configuration |
Optional |
- The source data field for the SRN is configured via the ACT Student ID field on the Demographic tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. You can select:
- Studies Code; or
- Government Student Number.
See Import_Export Student Data - Demographic tab. |
- This field has a maximum length of 9 characters.
E | Local Student ID (School) | Synergetic ID assigned to the student. | Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field is defined when students are added to the Synergetic community database.
- This field has a maximum length of 36 characters.
F | Family Name | Surname of the student. | Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field has a maximum length of 40 characters.
G | Middle Name | Middle name of the student. | Configuration |
Optional |
- This field has a maximum length of 40 characters.
H | Given Name | Given name of the student. | Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field has a maximum length of 40 characters.
I | Year Level | Year level of the student. | Configuration |
Mandatory |
J | Sex | Gender of the student. | Configuration |
Mandatory |
K | Date of Birth | Date of birth of the student. | Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field has a maximum length of 10 characters.
L | Country of Birth | Country of birth of the student. | Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field is defined using the Country of Birth field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
- This field is populated with the relevant ExternalSystemCode value from the luCountry lookup table provided the ExternalSystemType field has a value of MCEETYA.
| M | Indigenous Status | Indigenous status of the student. | Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field has a value of:
- 1 when the Indigenous Student field is selected
- 2 when the Torres Strait Islander field is selected
- 3 when both fields are selected
- 4 when neither field is selected
- 9 when the status is not-stated or unknown.
N | Student Main Language Spoken at Home | Main language spoken by the student at home. | Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field is populated with the relevant ExternalSystemCode value from the luLanguage lookup table provided the ExternalSystemType field has a value of MCEETYA. See luLanguage lookup table.
| O | Parent 1 School Education | Highest level of secondary school education attained by the first parent. | Configuration |
Mandatory |
- .
- This field has a value of:
- 0 when the highest level of secondary school education is Not stated/unknown
- 1 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 9 or equivalent or below
- 2 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 10 or equivalent
- 3 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 11 or equivalent
- 4 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 12 or equivalent.
| P | Parent 1 Non-school education | Highest qualification level attained by the first parent. | Configuration | Mandatory |
- .
- This field has a value of:
- 0 when the qualification is Not stated/unknown.
- 5 when the qualification is Certificate I to IV (including trades)
- 6 when the qualification is Diploma/Advanced Diploma
- 7 when the qualification is Bachelor Degree or higher
- 8 when the qualification is No non-school education.
| Q | Parent 1 Occupation | Occupation position of the first parent. | Configuration | Mandatory |
- .
- This field has a value of:
- 1 when the parent has an occupation position of Senior management.
- 2 when the parent has an occupation position of Other business manager.
- 3 when the parent has an occupation position of Tradesperson, clerk, sales and service staff.
- 4 when the parent has an occupation position of Machine operator.
- 8 when the parent has an occupation position of Not in paid work.
- 9 when the parent has an occupation position of Not stated/unknown.
| R | Parent 1 Main language spoken by Parent 1 at home, other than English | Main language spoken by the parent at home, other than English. | Configuration | Mandatory | |
- This field is populated with the relevant ExternalSystemCode value from the luLanguage lookup table provided the ExternalSystemType field has a value of MCEETYA. See luLanguage lookup table.
| S | Parent 2 School Education | Highest level of secondary school education attained by the second parent. | Configuration | Optional |
- .
- This field has a value of:
- 0 when the highest level of secondary school education is Not stated/unknown
- 1 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 9 or equivalent or below
- 2 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 10 or equivalent
- 3 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 11 or equivalent
- 4 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 12 or equivalent.
| T | Parent 2 Non-school education | Highest qualification level attained by the second parent. | Configuration | Optional | |
- This field has a value of:
- 0 when the qualification is Not stated/unknown.
- 5 when the qualification is Certificate I to IV (including trades)
- 6 when the qualification is Diploma/Advanced Diploma
- 7 when the qualification is Bachelor Degree or higher
- 8 when the qualification is No non-school education.
| U | Parent 2 Occupation | Occupation position of the first parent. | Configuration | Optional |
- .
- This field has a value of:
- 1 when the parent has an occupation position of Senior management.
- 2 when the parent has an occupation position of Other business manager.
- 3 when the parent has an occupation position of Tradesperson, clerk, sales and service staff.
- 4 when the parent has an occupation position of Machine operator.
- 8 when the parent has an occupation position of Not in paid work.
- 9 when the parent has an occupation position of Not stated/unknown.
| V | Parent 2 Main language spoken by Parent 2 at home, other than English | Main language spoken by the parent at home, other than English. | Configuration | Optional |
- .
- This field is populated with the relevant ExternalSystemCode value from the luLanguage lookup table provided the ExternalSystemType field has a value of MCEETYA. See luLanguage lookup table.
| W | Enrolled Full-fee Paying Overseas Student (FFPOS) Status | Whether the student is a full-fee paying overseas student. | Configuration | Mandatory |
X | Class Group | Form of the student. | Configuration | Optional |
- This field has a maximum length of 255 characters.