Column | Heading | Description |
| Contact School | CodeNumber | School code assigned Number issued to your organisation by the SACE Board. |
Configuration | Type the school assigned to your organisation into the |
Mandatory |
- This field value is defined using the School Code field on the SACE tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.
- This field has a maximum field length of 3.
| Year | File Year of the export. |
Configuration |
Select the year using the Mandatory |
- This field value is defined using the Year field on the SACE tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.
- This field has a maximum field length of 4.
| Stage | Stage of the subject.Note: SACE is a two-stage certificate. Typically, Stage 1 is studied by Year 11 students and Stage 2 by Year 12 students |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field value is exported as 0. Users must manually populate the field in the exported file with the stage of the subject.
- This field has a value of 1 or 2.
- This field has a maximum field length of 1.
| SACE Code | Subject code assigned by SACE. For more information about subjects including subject codes, see SACE Subjects. | E | Credits | Number of credits awarded for completing the subject. For more information about subjects including subject credits, see SACE SubjectsSACE Subject code. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field value is defined using the Board Studies Code field on the General tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - General tab.
- This field has a maximum field length of 3.
| Credits | Credits assigned for successful completion of the subject. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field value is defined by manually populating the field with the number of credits assigned for completing the class.
- This field has a value of 10 or 20.
- This field has a maximum field length of 2.
| Class Number | Class number assigned by your organisationcode for the class.G |
Configuration | Program Variant | Alphabetical identifier used by your organisation to indicate a variant of a standard SACE subject.
Note: This value is typically placed at the end of the subject code. For example, 1BGY10F
Mandatory |
- This field value is defined using the first two characters of the Class Code field in Class Maintenance.
- This Class Code is defined when the class is created. See Creating new classes.
- This field has a maximum field length of 2.
Tip: You can change the class code if necessary by right-clicking the class and selecting Rename from the right-click menu. Image Added |
G | Program Variant | Leave this field blank. |
| Semester | Semester of the exportFile semester. |
Configuration |
Select the semester using the Mandatory |
- This field is defined using the Semester field on the SACE tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.
- This field has a maximum field length of 1.
| Teacher Code | Synergetic ID of the staff member teaching the classteacher. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
value by adding staff members to classes using - using the ID field of the Seq 1 staff member on the Staff tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Staff tab.
Image Added - This field has a maximum field length of 8.
| School Class Code | Unique class Class code used to identify for the class. For example, 10BGY10. |
Configuration |
Optional |
- This field value is defined using the Class code field on the Create new class window. See Class creation windows.
Note: We recommend using a consistent naming convention for your classes. For example, 1BGY10 is a combination of the Assessment Code (10BIO1) and Form (A)- Code field in Class Maintenance.
- This field is defined when the class is created. See Creating new classes.
- This field has a maximum field length of 10.
Tip: You can rename a class change the class code if necessary by right-clicking the class in the Class selector and selecting Rename from the right-click menu. Image Modified |
| Results Due | When Month that results are due for the class. |
Configuration |
Select the month using the Mandatory |
Unique number granted to an approved learning and assessment plan- This field value is defined using the Results for Month field on the SACE tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.
| L | Accession Number | - This field has a value of J (June) or D (December).
- This field has a maximum field length of 1.