2023Version 71.42
This section outlines changes to the Roll returns manual arising from changes made to Synergetic (versions 70version 71.2042).
Change | More information | See... |
Collection dates updated for 2025. |
Roll count dates have been set to:
- 1st March 2023
- 1st July 2023.
State and State integrated schools (excluding partnership schools) with students in Year 9 and above have additional roll count dates set to:
- 1st June 2022
- 1st September 2022.
The following errors have been updated:
- 101
- 191
- 192
- 615
- 636
- 646
- 647
- 648
- 649
- 658.
The following Iwi affiliations have been added:
- 0120 - Ngāti Torehina ki Mata-ure ō Hau
- 0213 - Ngāti Huarere
- 0312 - Tainui Awhiro
- 0313 - Ngāti Hinerangi
- 0717 - Ngāti Hinemanu (Heretaunga)
- 0912 - Ngāti Hinemanu (Rangitīkei)
- 2114 - Ngāti Hinemanu, region not known
- 2311 - Te Waipounamu Region, Iwi not named
- 2312 - Rēkohu/Wharekauri Region, Imi/Iwi not named
- 4444 - Don't Know
- 5555 - Refused To Answer
- 7777 - Response Unidentifiable
- 8888 - Response Outside Scope
The following Iwi affiliations have been updated:
- 1105 - Moriori updated to 1201 - Moriori
- 1106 - Ngäti Mutunga (Wharekauri/Chatham Islands) updated to 1202 - Ngäti Mutunga (Wharekauri/Chatham Islands)
- 1110 - Ngäti Tama (Te Waipounamu/South Island) renamed to 1110 - Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu
The following STP provider names have been updated:
- 1 - USkills Trades Academy (UCOL Ltd) updated to USkills Trades Academy (Te Pukenga - formerly UCOL Ltd)
- 2 - Ara Trades Academy (Ara Institute of Canterbury Ltd) updated to Ara Trades Academy (Te Pūkenga - formerly Ara Institute of Canterbury Ltd)
- 3 - Otago Secondary-Tertiary College (Otago Polytechnic Ltd) updated to Otago Secondary-Tertiary College (Te Pūkenga - formerly Otago Polytechnic Ltd)
- 4 - Bay of Plenty Trades Academy (Trident High School) updated to Bay of Plenty Futures Academy (Trident High School)
- 5 - Hawke's Bay and Tairäwhiti School's Trades Academy (EIT Ltd) updated to Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti School’s Trades Academy (Te Pūkenga - formerly EIT Ltd)
- 7 - Land Based Trades Academy (NTA) updated to Land Based Trades Academy (National Trades Academy Ltd)
- 10 - New Zealand Primary Industries Trades Academy (Primary ITO) updated to New Zealand Primary Industries Trades Academy (Te Pūkenga - formerly Primary ITO)
- 15 - Taranaki Trades Academy (WITT Ltd) updated to Taranaki Trades Academy (Te Pūkenga - formerly WITT Ltd)
- 18 - Waikato Trades Academy (Wintec Ltd) updated to Waikato Trades Academy (Te Pūkenga - formerly Wintec Ltd)
- 19 - Wellington Trades Academy (WelTec Ltd) updated to Wellington Trades Academy (Te Pūkenga - formerly WelTec Ltd)
- 22 - MIT School of Secondary Tertiary Studies (MIT Ltd) updated to MIT School of Secondary-Tertiary Studies (Te Pūkenga - formerly MIT Ltd)
- 23 - MIT Trades Academy (MIT Ltd) updated to MIT Trades Academy (Te Pūkenga - formerly MIT Ltd)
- 24 - Murihiku Trades Academy (SIT Ltd) updated to Murihiku Tertiary Academy (Te Pūkenga - formerly SIT Ltd)
The list of genders has been updated:
- 1 - Male / Tāne
- 2 - Female / Wahine
- 3 - Another gender
- 9 - Not stated
The following roll return aggregate reports have been updated to support the new list of genders:
- 1 - Roll by Type and FYL (FTE)
- 3 - Roll by Type and FYL (Headcount)
- 4 - Roll by Age and FYL
- 5 - Roll by Age and Ethnic Group
- 6 - Roll by FYL and Ethnic Group
- 10 - Secondary Subjects.
The following roll return audit reports have been updated:
- Audit 8 (new gender values added and Country of Citizenship renamed to Country or Jurisdiction of Citizenship)
- Audit 9 (new gender values added and Country of Citizenship renamed to Country or Jurisdiction of Citizenship)
- Audit 10 (new gender values).
March 2025 Roll Collection Count Date: 28 February 2025 (Friday) July 2025 Roll Collection Count Date: 26 June 2025 (Thursday) | ||
Update to 2025 School Codes | The School Code list within Synergetic has been updated to the latest 2025 NZMOE School Code (November 2025) list as published on the NZMOE Education Counts website. | luSchool lookup table |