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Record Selection

This object includes Student Contact records which meet the following criteria:

  • The Contact has a SIF RefID
  • Any Contact type value except 'SCT' 
  • Are linked to a Current Student (via the Contacts tab in Current Student Maintenance)
  • Where Primary Only Flag is unticked, the Spouse of the linked Contact is also included as long as they also satisfy the rest of the criteria
  • Is linked to a Current Student who has a SIF RefID
  • For a given Contact-Student Relationship, at least one of the following conditions is also met:
    • Parent Flag is ticked (on Contacts tab in Current Student Maintenance)
    • Lives With Flag is ticked (on Contacts tab in Current Student Maintenance)
    • Reports Flag is ticked (on Contacts tab in Current Student Maintenance)
    • Mail Flag is ticked (on Contacts tab in Current Student Maintenance)
    • Contact Type is one of the Emergency Contact values - 'SE1', 'SE2', 'SE3'  (on Contacts tab in Current Student Maintenance)
    • The person is linked as the Debtor for the Current Student (on Debtors tab in Current Student Maintenance
  • Where a Relationship record exists for the Contact (on Relations tab in Current Student Maintenance), the Relationship code must be mapped to a SIF value in Interface Settings
    • Where a Relationship record does not exist, the SIF value for 'Not Provided' will be used

Field Mapping

Table filter
separatorPoint (.)
datepatterndd M yy
worklog5|8|w d h m

FieldRequired?Synergetic MappingDescriptionTypeLevelXML StructureStatus

@StudentContactRelationshipRefIdM@StudentContacts.SIF3RefId or StudentContacts.SpouseSIF3RefId (for the StudentContact)An ID (GUID) for this paticular student-contact relationship. This GUID would be used to form a REST URL.GUIDType0<StudentContactRelationship StudentContactRelationshipRefId="">DONE
@StudentPersonalRefIdMCommunityIdentifiers.SIF3RefId (for the Student)GUID that identifies the student for the relationship.GUIDtype1<StudentPersonalRefId>DONE
@StudentContactPersonalRefIdMCommunityIdentifiers.SIF3RefId (for the Contact)GUID that identifies the contact person for the relationship.GUIDtype1<StudentContactPersonalRefId>DONE
RelationshipM--Defines the relationship of the contact to the student.Relationship1<Relationship>
CodeMRelationships(ID=StudentID).Relationship => luRelationship.SynergeryMeaningCode representing the relationship.AUCodeSetsRelationshipToStudentType2<Code>DONE
OtherCodeListO--List of other codes or strings that crosswalk to or serve as translations of the Code element paired with this common element. If Code changes and OtherCodes are supported, both Code and all associated OtherCode elements must be present.List2<OtherCodeList>No Mapping
OtherCodeList/OtherCodeMR<no Synergetic mapping>A state/province code, local code, other code or a text string that crosswalks to or serves as a translation of an associated Code element.xs:normalizedString3<OtherCode>No Mapping
@CodesetM@<no Synergetic mapping>Describes the OtherCode element content as either a state/province code, a local code, other code, or text string.values: StateProvince Local Other Text3<OtherCode Codeset="">No Mapping
ParentRelationshipStatusO<no Synergetic mapping>Confirms whether or not this contact defined in the relationship is to be tracked for MCEECDYA Data Implementation Manual Reporting.values: Parent1 Parent2 NotForReporting1<ParentRelationshipStatus>No Mapping
HouseholdListO<no Synergetic mapping>
List1<HouseholdList>No Mapping
HouseholdList/HouseholdMR<no Synergetic mapping>Repeatable element containing the ID of a household.xs:normalizedString2<Household>No Mapping
ContactFlagsC--Contains Yes/No characteristics of the contact person's role. Provide a Yes value for all that apply. At least one of the child elements of ContactFlags must have a Yes value. Do not publish the StudentContactRelationship instance if one of the child elements does not have a Yes value.
ContactFlags/ParentLegalGuardianCStudentContacts(ID=Student).ParentFlagDoes the individual have parental or legal guardianship responsibility for the student?AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType2<ParentLegalGuardian>DONE
ContactFlags/PickupRightsC<no Synergetic mapping>This element tells whether or not the contact has pickup rights.AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType2<PickupRights>No Mapping
ContactFlags/LivesWithCStudentContacts(ID=Student).LivesWithFlagDoes the student live with this contact?AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType2<LivesWith>DONE
ContactFlags/AccessToRecordsC<no Synergetic mapping>Does this contact have access to the student's records?AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType2<AccessToRecords>No Mapping
ContactFlags/ReceivesAssessmentReportCStudentContacts(ID=Student).ReportsFlagIn particular, should this contact receive a copy of the student report?AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType2<ReceivesAssessmentReport>DONE
<no Synergetic mapping>
CASE ContactType
WHEN 'SE1' | 'SE2' | 'SE3' THEN 'Y'
Should this contact be notified in case of emergency?AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType2<EmergencyContact>No Mapping
ContactFlags/HasCustodyC<no Synergetic mapping>Does this contact have or share custody of the student?AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType2<HasCustody>No Mapping
ContactFlags/DisciplinaryContactC<no Synergetic mapping>Is this person to be contacted in case of disciplinary action?AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType2<DisciplinaryContact>No Mapping
ContactFlags/AttendanceContactC<no Synergetic mapping>Should this contact be notified in case of an attendance issue?AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType2<AttendanceContact>No Mapping
ContactFlags/PrimaryCareProviderC<no Synergetic mapping>Does this person provide daily living or personal assistance to the student?AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType2<PrimaryCareProvider>No Mapping
ContactFlags/FeesBillingCIf Students(ID=Student).DebtorID = ContactID then YesIs this the contact responsible for Payment of Fees?AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType2<FeesBilling>DONE
ContactFlags/FamilyMailCStudentContacts(ID=Student).NormalMailFlagDoes this person receive family mail?AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType2<FamilyMail>DONE
ContactFlags/InterventionOrderC<no Synergetic mapping>Is there an Intervention Order against this Contact?AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType2<InterventionOrder>No Mapping
<no Synergetic mapping>
CASE Community.HomeLanguageCode
Is English the main language spoken at home?AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType1<MainlySpeaksEnglishAtHome>No Mapping
<no Synergetic mapping>
Calculated based on the order of SC1, SC2 SC3 in the list of contacts for a given studentNumber indicating the order in which the person should be contacted.xs:unsignedInt1<ContactSequence>No Mapping
ContactSequenceSourceO<no Synergetic mapping>Indicates the source who provided the contact sequence order.AUCodeSetsSourceCodeTypeType1<ContactSequenceSource>No Mapping
SIF_MetadataO<no Synergetic mapping>
SIF_Metadata1<SIF_Metadata>No Mapping
SIF_ExtendedElementsO<no Synergetic mapping>
SIF_ExtendedElements1<SIF_ExtendedElements>No Mapping