Use the Page 2 sub-tab of the Debtors tab to configure the Debtors module, including:
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To open the Page 2 sub-tab of the Debtors tab:
Synergetic Financial Configuration - Debtors tab - Page 2 key fields
Field | Description |
Default No of Receipts to Print | Default number of debtor receipts to print. |
Print Receipts by Default | When you enter receipts you can print them automatically and select the number of copies you want to print. |
Print Company Name on Receipt | Select to include the name of your organisation on receipts. |
Overdue Letters | Select the default values for a new debtor for the minimum balance and days between letters on overdue letter runs. You can select:
Multiple Sub-Ledgers Active | Debtors can have separate accounts if your organisation requires separate billing. For example, separate billing for a swimming school. |
Add Voluntary Contributions to Statement Total | Voluntary contributions can optionally be placed on statements. |
Student Class Charges Use Instalments | Select whether you want charges incurred for a class to be charged by instalments or as a lump sum payment. |
Allow Allocate to Statement when Entering Charges | Select whether charges can be allocated to a statement that has already been generated. |
Charge Tuit Var Students non Var Fees in Auto Tuit | Allows students with a tuition variation to be charged fees with no tuition variation code if a matching fee does not exist with a tuition variation code. |
Concession Overrides Auto Tuition Fee | If a concession is set up, use this field to specify whether the concession overrides the fee or adds to the fee. |
Show Current Balance in Debtor List when Entering Receipts | Select to display the balance owed by the debtor in the Debtor Search when entering cash receipts in Cash Receipts Entry. |
Copy Current Balance when Entering Receipts | Select to copy the balanced owed by the debtor into the Amount field of Cash Receipts Entry when entering cash receipts. |
Use BSB and Account Number when entering Cheques | Either:
Cheque Details to Appear on Bank Rec / EFT Details to Appear on Bank Rec | Select to use values that were typed into the Bank Statement Reference field of the Payments tab of Debtor Cash Receipts Entry to create detailed entries for EFT and cheque payments in bank reconciliation. |
Campus Mandatory for Bulk Additions | Select to require a campus selection when running the Debtor Bulk Additions program. |
Automatically Allocate Debtor Transactions | Select to automatically allocate receipts to charges. |
Allow Duplicate Statements to be sent | Select to allow statements to be sent to additional recipients. |
Tuition Discount Base Includes Tax | Whether the base figure that the discount is calculated from includes tax or not. This affects the discount that is applied.
Enrolment Deposits Integrated with Sub-Systems | This is a separately licensed program that allows you to integrate enrolment deposits into cash receipts entry and the general ledger. |
Enrolment Deposits Integrated with Debtor Fees | Select to allow enrolment deposits to be used as fees paid in advance. See Setting up enrolment deposits to pay fees in advance in the Debtors manual. |
Delete From Debtors When Archived | Select to delete the debtor's record when archived. |
Print All Credit Card Expiry Date | Select to print expiry dates on credit card payments. |
Show Active Debtor Arrangements | When entering cash receipts, show the debtor arrangement if one is active. See Entering cash receipts in the Debtors manual. |
Enrolment Deposits Create - Repayee Screen Note | Put in any special reminders that you want to give the person processing an enrolment deposit.