Setting up a series of awards

You can configure Synergetic's automatic award allocation to handle consecutive awards. For example, Music Half-Colours and Music Full-Colours. To win the higher-level award students must:

  • have fulfilled the criteria for the award. For example, the student has collected at least 60 points towards music awards.
  • have already been awarded the initial award. For example, the student has previously been awarded Music Half-Colours.

To set up a series of awards you need to:

  • Set up the series in luAwardRequiredPoints. See luAwardRequiredPoints lookup table in the System maintenance manual.
  • Run the awards user form to assign awards to students who have fulfilled the necessary criteria.

Setting up a series of awards
To set up a series of awards:

  1. Define all the awards in the series in the luAward lookup table. See Defining an award.
  2. Type the codes for the awards in the series in the luAwardRequiredPoints lookup table. See luAwardRequiredPoints lookup table in the System maintenance manual.
  3. Type the points required to win the award criteria in the RequiredPoints field.
  4. Type the order of the awards in the AwardAchievementOrder field. For example, for the initial award enter 1, for the second award enter 2 etc.
  5. Type the code for the prerequisite award in the RequiredAwardCode field. For example, for the second award in the series enter the code for the initial award.

    Tip: You can also type information about the level of achievement associated with the award in the Achievement field. This Achievement information is shown on the User Form and on the Awards tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Awards tab in the Current students manual.

    You do not need to add the higher-level award to the Awards sub-tab of Subject Assessment Maintenance. The points for fulfilling criteria as defined by the initial award will carry over to any consecutive awards.

    Students who have received the prerequisite award(s) and earned enough award points are assigned the higher-level award.