Lookup Table Maintenance window

Use the Lookup Table Maintenance window to maintain the values in reference tables used in Synergetic.

 Opening the Lookup Table Maintenance window

To open the Lookup Table Maintenance window:

  1. Select Module > System Maintenance > Lookup Tables Maintenance.
    The Lookup Table Maintenance window is displayed.

Lookup Table Maintenance window key fields and buttons




Table Name

List of available lookup tables.
Scroll down and select the lookup table required.

Table Data

For the selected table, the fields (columns) and records (rows) are displayed.

Use the navigation and other buttons to perform actions on the data in this area.

Active Records Only

For the selected table, select the Active Records Only field to display only records that have their ActiveFlag field (column) selected.
In the example below, two records, with codes 0000 and 0002, do not have their ActiveFlag fields selected and so are not displayed.

Clear the Active Records Only field to display active and inactive records.
In the example below, the same two inactive records, with codes 0000 and 0002, are displayed as well as the active records.




Go to the first record in the Table Data area, for the selected table.

Go to the previous record in the Table Data area, for the selected table.

Go to the next record in the Table Data area, for the selected table.

Go to the last record in the Table Data area, for the selected table.

Create a new lookup table entry, for the selected table.
A new blank record is created at the bottom of the grid and the cursor is moved into the first field so that you can enter the details for the new record.
Tip: You can load default settings for some tables.

Save the changes made to the current record.

If you try to rename a lookup table it does not update the name.

Undo the:

  • new record added
  • changes made to the current record.

Delete the selected record.
The following confirmation message is displayed.

Note: Deleting records from certain tables can cause some functions within Synergetic to perform incorrectly. However, deleting records does not necessarily delete the data from any records it is stored against.

Alt+d deletes a highlighted record, while Alt+y confirms that you want to delete the record. These shortcuts are useful when deleting multiple entries.

Load default records for certain tables. See Loading lookup tables for external systems in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.
For example, you can load reference data for the following external systems:

  • School Curriculum and Standards Authority (Western Australia)
  • Catholic Education Office (Victorian Catholic schools)
  • MCEECDYA (Australia, Ministerial Council for Education, Early Child Development and Youth Affairs), formerly MCEETYA.
  • NZMOE (New Zealand Ministry of Education)
  • NZQA (New Zealand Qualifications Authority).