Marking attendance for all students then individuals

Marking attendance for all students then individuals

It is easiest to mark attendance in two stages:

  • mark that all students are present, in most cases
  • then mark individual students that are absent.

To mark attendance for all students then individuals:

  1. Select the class to mark. See Selecting classes to mark attendance for.
  2. Either touch:
    •  to mark all students as present, in most cases
    •  to mark all students as absent.

    Any records not yet marked are treated as attended, unless set differently at your organisation.
  3. Touch Yes.
  4. For each student different to the rest, touch twice to mark them as either:
    • absent
    • present .
  5. Touch .
  6. Touch Yes.
    Marked classes are displayed with a tick next to them.
  7. Continue with related functions. See:
    • Viewing student details while marking a class
    • Abandoning attendance changes
    • Clearing attendance changes
    • Changing marked classes.