Viewing student details while marking a class

Viewing student details while marking a class

To view student details while marking their attendance:

  1. Mark attendance as usual. See Marking attendance for all students then individuals.
  2. Select the student.
  3. Touch to:
    • display the student's alerts, if any
    • link to the student's key details.

    Tip: []------
    gives a quick view of the status of Absence Type for a student for the selected day.
  4. Touch .
  5. The tabs displayed are the student functions. See:
    • Viewing student details
    • Viewing student alerts
    • Viewing student contacts
    • Viewing student locations.

    Several tabs are combined on a tablet.

    Tip: You can turn your device 90 degrees to swap between portrait and landscape views.
  6. Select other students, as required, to:
    • display their alerts, if any
    • link to their key details.
    • Touch again to hide the student details.
  7. Continue with related functions. See:
    • Selecting classes to mark attendance for
    • Marking attendance for all students then individuals
    • Abandoning attendance changes
    • Clearing attendance changes
    • Changing marked classes.