Working on assessments off-line (Standalone)

One of the advantages of Synergetic is that you can work on your student assessments on a:

  • computer connected to the network at your organisation, running the Synergetic client
  • non-networked notebook or home computer running the Synergetic client, using data exported from Synergetic
  • computer at work or home using SynWeb over your organisation's Intranet or the Internet, respectively.

To use SynWeb (Synergetic Web), you use your web browser, such as Internet Explorer, to connect to the web server at your organisation running SynWeb. When you work on the assessments for your classes, you are operating on the same database as if you were using the Synergetic client connected to your organisation's network.

Because SynWeb and Synergetic use the same database, you no longer need to export data to the Standalone version, if you use SynWeb at your organisation.
Refer to the separate help documentation for SynWeb. In particular, refer to the following SynWeb user manuals:

  • Introduction
  • Assessments and reports.

Non-networked notebook or home computer running the Synergetic client
In order to work on a non-networked computer, you must have the Standalone version of Synergetic installed on that computer:

  • On a home computer that never connects to your organisation's network, you have only the Standalone version of Synergetic installed.
  • On a notebook computer that you can use to connect to your organisation's network or run by itself, you must have both the Network and Standalone versions of Synergetic installed. When you log into Synergetic, select the version you want to run, depending on whether you are connected to your organisation's network or not.

Working off-line
To work off-line:

  1. Copy existing (or blank) results from Synergetic on your organisation's network to your notebook computer, or onto a CD-R or flash drive that you can load onto your home computer. See Exporting assessments from the main Synergetic database.
  2. If you are working on a home computer, you need to import the results from the CD-R or flash drive to the home PC. See Importing assessments to a home PC.
  3. Work on the results on either your:
    • Notebook. See Maintaining assessments on a notebook computer.
    • Home computer. See Maintaining assessments on a home computer.
  4. If you are working on a home computer, you need to export them again to the CD-R or flash drive when you are finished. See Exporting assessments from your home PC.
  5. Copy the results back to Synergetic on your organisation's network. See Re-importing assessments to the main Synergetic database.
    Note: As soon as you copy results from the networked version of Synergetic, the results are locked to prevent anyone else making changes to them while you are working on them off-line.

System rules

  • When you import results into Synergetic, the new imported version overwrites any current data.
  • When you export results from Synergetic, the data in Synergetic is unchanged. The information on the destination disk is overwritten.
  • Working on a notebook or home computer requires the Standalone version of Synergetic to be installed.
  • If you work on a notebook or home computer, you must transfer the results back to the Synergetic database so that Synergetic holds the master copy of all student results.