Selecting groups of current students to process activities for
Use the Bulk Add Student Activity - Selection Screen to select the group of students to process activities for.
Unlike most selection windows where you can only filter once to create a group, you can return to this window often and select more students to add to your existing group.
Bulk Add Student Activity - Selection Screen key fields and buttons
Field | Description |
Campus | Campus where the current student is enrolled. |
From Year Level / | A range of year levels can be selected. |
Form | Form the current student has been assigned to. |
Tagged IDs | Select to search for students with tagged IDs. |
House | House the current student has been assigned to. |
Tutor Group | Tutor group the current student has been assigned to. |
Boarder | Student's residential status. Typical values include:
Note: You can use the luBoarder lookup table to maintain entries. See luBoarder lookup table in the System maintenance manual. |
Gender | Gender of the current student. Note: You can define the list of genders used at your organisation using the luGender lookup table. See luGender lookup table. |
Activity | Activity the current student or parent are involved in. |
Activity Status | Student's status for this activity. Also see Activity Date below. |
Activity Date >= Activity Date <= | Students with existing activities within the specified date range. For example, you can follow up with current students who attended the last open day. |
Course Code | Abbreviation for the course. |
Linked Course Code | Common course that feeder courses link to. For example, a main course may have a feeder course that starts earlier or later than the actual main course. The default value is its own course code. |
Course Status | Status of the student's involvement in the course. For example, a status of Finalised is required before an agent can be paid commission for enrolling students in your course, if applicable. |
Button | Description |
Loads student details from a file. | |
Delete previous selection runs. See Deleting a current student activity bulk addition. |