This field is used to measure participation of children in Early Childhood education services before starting school.
Note: This field is no longer used for roll returns. Early childhood education information is now collected from ENROL.
Early childhood participation
The following codes are used in the NZMOE tab of Current Student Maintenance:
Code | Meaning |
ENA | Did not attend any type of early childhood centre or service. |
EKR | Attended Kohanga Reo. |
EPC | Attended Playcentre. |
EKE | Attended Kindergarten or Education & Care. |
EHB | Attended Home Based Service. |
EPG | Attended Playgroup or Pacific Islands EC group. |
ECO | Attended the Correspondence School - Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu. |
EOS | Attended, but only outside New Zealand. |
ETU | Attended, but don't know what type of service. |
EUN | Unable to establish whether attended or not. |
Lookup table
Early childhood participation codes are defined in the luEarlyChildhoodParticipation lookup table. See: