Use the Debtor Student Class Charges program to post a charge to all students taking a particular class, for example a music class.
Charges can be applied to any classes, academic or co-curricular.
Before you can apply a charge for a class, you must have set up the Default Units per Semester and Fee Code fields on the Class Maintenance - Charges tab for the class. See the Assessments and reports manual.
To open Debtor Student Class Charges:
Student Class Charges window key fields
Run Type area fields
Field value | Description |
Default | Charges for the number of sessions and classes specified in the Default Units Per Semester field on the Charges tab of Class Maintenance. See Maintaining classes in the Assessments and reports manual. |
Adjustment | Adjustments to fees and charges. Note: This uses the adjustments recorded on student's classes if you have a policy of not charging students when they do not attend a class. See Making adjustments for students not attending classes. |
Process Date | Date the charges are to be processed. |
Skip Classes with Status area fields
Enter one or more classes, if required.
Field | Description |
Skip Classes with Status | Exclude students who have a specified status code for a class. If it has been defined, the code for students that have left the class appears as the default entry for the first status code to be skipped. |
Special Class Handling area fields
Field | Description |
Status or | Allows students with certain class status to be changed to another status. For example, you can change the status from Not yet re-enrolled to Left. |
With X sessions are to be charged for Y sessions | Allows students with a certain class status and number of classes to be charged for fewer classes. For example, if public holidays have not been taken into account during the term you can adjust the number of classes charged to those actually attended. |
Charging Information area fields
Field | Description |
File Year | Specify the period and type of file to select the classes. |
Date the charges are to be applied to the Debtor accounts | Date charges are to be applied to the debtor accounts. Note: This is the date of the charge on the student's account and also the date of posting to the general ledger. |
Use Instalments for Charges | Select to charge the fee in instalments. |
Automatically Close Posting | Clear if you do not want to automatically close the posting. |
Description Information area fields
Field | Description |
Description Type | Select the type of description you want to appear on the debtor's statement. Note: See examples of description types below. Synergetic takes the information you specify in the Class Maintenance program and puts fields together to make a meaningful description. The <Extra> text comes from the Extra Description field. |
Extra Description | Any text that is to be added to the statement, using the Description Type specified. |
Examples of Description Types
Description Types | Descriptions |
<Subject Desc> <Units> <Extra> | Piano Individual 30 minutes 15 Term 2 |
<Extra> <Subject Desc> <Units> @ <Rate> | Term 2 Piano Individual 30 minutes 15 @ $20.00 |
<1st Word Subject> <Units> <Extra> | Piano 15 Term 2 |
<Units> <Extra> | 15 Term 2 |
<Extra> | Term 2 |