Key | Value |
1 | Students |
2 | Attendances |
3 | EditDaysThresholdErrorMessage |
The EditDaysThresholdErrorMessage configuration setting determines the message displayed to staff members attempting to edit attendances outside the allowed threshold.
Default value
The default value is It has been {DaysSinceSubmission} days (Maximum {MaxDaysAllowed}) since this Attendance was submitted and therefore it cannot be edited, please speak to your system administrator.
Replaceable fields
Field | Description |
{DaysSince-Submission} | Number of days since attendance was required to be submitted. |
{MaxDays-Allowed} | Maximum number of days after attendance was required to be submitted that staff members can edit attendances. |
Setting a new value
Type a number into the Value field in Configuration File Maintenance to change the message displayed to staff members attempting to edit attendances outside the allowed threshold. See Maintaining configuration files.