Key | Value |
1 | CommunityPortal |
2 | |
3 | ContactDetails |
4 | SchoolAdmin |
5 | FieldFormat |
The SchoolAdmin:FieldFormat configuration setting defines how information about updated contact details is formatted when sent to the portal administrator.
Default value
The default value is {ColumnName}: {NewValue} {ChangedIndicator}. For example, if a user updated their mobile phone number the information would be displayed as DefaultMobilePhone: 0412 345 678 (Changed).
Setting a different value
Type the text into the Value field of the Configuration File Maintenance window. See Configuration File Maintenance window.
Note: The text must conform to HTML standards so that it is displayed without error.
Tip: You can use replaceable fields as placeholders for values that are read from the database according to which user is viewing the page. For example, if {NewValue} is entered, it is replaced by the updated contact information. See Using CustomHTML.