You can enable payments to allow users to select a payment option when submitting application forms.
Note: You can only enable payments when creating application forms. See Creating new forms.
To enable payments:
- Click .
The General tab of the Form Settings window is displayed. - Click the Finance tab. See Open the Finance tab of the Form Settings window. See Form Settings window - Finance tab.
The Finance tab of the Form Settings window is displayed. - Select an enrolment deposit type from the Select enrolment deposit drop-down list.
Note: You can only select one enrolment deposit type per form.
Note: You can define these options using the Enrolment Deposit Definitions Maintenance window. See Maintaining enrolment deposit definitions in the Synergetic Debtors manual.. - Select the Payment required slider, if necessary.
Note: When this slider is selected, parents can save and submit the form, but the form status will display as Requires Payment and the form will not be considered complete until payment has been received. - Select a payment option. You can select either:
The fields for the selected payment option are enabled. - Type the title of the payment option into either:
• - Type a description for the payment option into either:
• - If you selected
• Select an online payment merchant using the Merchant field.
• Type into the Return link text field to define text displayed to users after they enter payment details. - Repeat steps 5 through 8 to add a second payment option, if necessary.
- Click .