Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Version 6771.01
This section outlines changes to the Introduction manual arising from changes made to SynWeb 7(Versions 70.21 - 71.01).


More information


New Dashboard replaces the Home window.

The Dashboard has replaced the Home window as the SynWeb homepage. You can use the Dashboard to access key information and functions such as:

  • class lists
  • class timetables
  • map locations.
    Image Removed

Using the Dashboard
luDashboardTile lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

Replaceable email fields updated.

The list of replaceable email fields has been updated.

Using replaceable fields in the body of emails

Edit Email Template window has been updated.

The Edit Email Template window has been updated. You can select:

  • Template is Private field to create a private template for the current user
  • Classification drop-down to select a document classification for email templates
  • Owner to select the owner of the email template.

Maintaining email templates

New tag icon for tagging individual community records.

You can use the tag icon to quickly tag individual community records in maintenance windows.
Image Removed

Tagging individual community members from a grid

Add/Edit Tasks window buttons updated.

The following buttons have been added:

  • Image Removed
  • Image Removed.
    The following buttons have been removed:
  • Image Removed
  • Image Removed.
  • Using the Add/Edit Tasks window

    New DocMan tab added to Task Maintenance.

    You can use the DocMan tab of the Add/Edit Tasks window to link documents, spreadsheets and photos to tasks.

    Add/Edit Tasks window - DocMan tab

    New buttons added to the Action Centre.

    The following buttons have been added to the Action Centre:

    • Image Removed
    • Image Removed
    • Image Removed
    • Image Removed
    • Image Removed.

    Using the Action Centre window

    New DocMan tab added to the Action Centre.

    You can use the DocMan tab of the Action Centre to link documents, spreadsheets and photos to task messages.

    Action Centre - DocMan tab

    New fields added to the Fields Changed tab.

    You can use the Fields Changed tab of the Action Centre to view and approve changes.

    Action Centre - Fields Changed tab

    DocMan processes updated.

    The following DocMan processes have been updated:

    • Importing one or more documents
    • Linking documents using tag lists
    • Updating document details.

    Importing one or more documents
    Linking documents using tag lists
    Updating document details

    New process for importing URL/web links documented.

    You can import URL/web links using the document management windows to import URL/web links.

    Importing one or more URL/web links

    Embedded SSRS reports.

    SSRS reports are now embedded into the Available Reports window after creation.
    Image Removed

    Running reports

    Email addresses now included when you copy grid contents to Excel.

    Synergetic has long supported the ability to copy grid contents to Microsoft Excel. With this release, when you copy grid contents to Excel from a Selector grid (e.g. Current Student Selector) the exported data includes the default email addresses of the community members.

    Exporting information to Microsoft Excel