PersonInfo | M | -- | Personal Information |
| 1 | <PersonInfo> |
Name | M | -- | The name of the person. Note: Type attribute value of LGL must be used here. |
| 2 | <Name> |
@Type | M | "LGL" | Code that specifies what type of name this is. Note that type “LGL” must be used here. | values: LGL | 2 | <Name Type="LGL"> | DONE |
Title | O | Community.Title | A title or prefix associated with the name. If any of: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Rev, Fr, Dr, Prof, Hon, Sir, Lord, Lady - these must be as shown, otherwise free text. Note that title is not applicable to learners. | xs:normalizedString | 3 | <Title> | DONE |
FamilyName | C | Community.Surname | Family name. That part of the person's name which is used to describe family, clan, tribal group, or marital association. Note that this element is required when known. However, it may not be possible to know the family name in which case you should add the available information to the FullName element. | xs:normalizedString | 3 | <FamilyName> | DONE |
GivenName | C | Community.Given1 | Given name of the person. Note that this element is required if known. However, it may not be possible to know the given name in which case you should add the available information to the FullName element. | xs:normalizedString | 3 | <GivenName> | DONE |
MiddleName | O | Community.Given2 | All other given or middle names, each separated with a single space character. | xs:normalizedString | 3 | <MiddleName> | DONE |
FamilyNameFirst | O | Community.MailFormat = "s" | An indicator used to identify the naming conventions used by some predominantly non-European, ethnic or language groups and related to the display nature of a name. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | 3 | <FamilyNameFirst> | DONE |
PreferredFamilyName | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | The family name preferred most by the person (as written). | xs:normalizedString | 3 | <PreferredFamilyName> | No Mapping |
PreferredFamilyNameFirst | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | An indicator used to identify the naming conventions used by some predominantly non-European, ethnic or language groups and related to the display nature of a name. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | 3 | <PreferredFamilyNameFirst> | No Mapping |
PreferredGivenName | O | Community.Preferred | The given name preferred most by the person (as written). | xs:normalizedString | 3 | <PreferredGivenName> | DONE |
Suffix | O | Community.Suffix | Textual suffix like PHD, JP, BSc. | xs:normalizedString | 3 | <Suffix> | DONE |
FullName | C | Change mapping as per DSY-7696 | A free text field for the complete name for display purposes. If this is associated with a StudentPersonal,StaffPersonal or StudentContactPersonal record and the FamilyName and GivenName are not both specified, then this becomes mandatory. | xs:normalizedString | 3 | <FullName> | Future |
OtherNames | O | -- | Previous, alternate or other names or aliases associated with the person. | List | 2 | <OtherNames> |
Name | MR | -- | Name of the person. Note: Type value of LGL may not occur here. |
| 3 | <Name> |
@Type | MR | <no Synergetic mapping> | Code that specifies what type of name this is. Note that type “LGL” is NOT to be used here. | AUCodeSetsNameUsageTypeType | 3 | <Name Type=""> | No Mapping |
Title | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | A title or prefix associated with the name. If any of: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Rev, Fr, Dr, Prof, Hon, Sir, Lord, Lady - these must be as shown, otherwise free text. Note that title is not applicable to learners. | xs:normalizedString | 4 | <Title> | No Mapping |
FamilyName | C | <no Synergetic mapping> | Family name. That part of the person's name which is used to describe family, clan, tribal group, or marital association. Note that this element is required when known. However, it may not be possible to know the family name in which case you should add the available information to the FullName element. | xs:normalizedString | 4 | <FamilyName> | No Mapping |
GivenName | C | <no Synergetic mapping> | Given name of the person. Note that this element is required if known. However, it may not be possible to know the given name in which case you should add the available information to the FullName element. | xs:normalizedString | 4 | <GivenName> | No Mapping |
MiddleName | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | All other given or middle names, each separated with a single space character. | xs:normalizedString | 4 | <MiddleName> | No Mapping |
FamilyNameFirst | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | An indicator used to identify the naming conventions used by some predominantly non-European, ethnic or language groups and related to the display nature of a name. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | 4 | <FamilyNameFirst> | No Mapping |
PreferredFamilyName | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | The family name preferred most by the person (as written). | xs:normalizedString | 4 | <PreferredFamilyName> | No Mapping |
PreferredFamilyNameFirst | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | An indicator used to identify the naming conventions used by some predominantly non-European, ethnic or language groups and related to the display nature of a name. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | 4 | <PreferredFamilyNameFirst> | No Mapping |
PreferredGivenName | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | The given name preferred most by the person (as written). | xs:normalizedString | 4 | <PreferredGivenName> | No Mapping |
Suffix | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Textual suffix like PHD, JP, BSc. | xs:normalizedString | 4 | <Suffix> | No Mapping |
FullName | C | <no Synergetic mapping> | A free text field for the complete name for display purposes. If this is associated with a StudentPersonal,StaffPersonal or StudentContactPersonal record and the FamilyName and GivenName are not both specified, then this becomes mandatory. | xs:normalizedString | 4 | <FullName> | No Mapping |
Demographics | O | -- | Demographic information about the person. |
| 2 | <Demographics> |
IndigenousStatus | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Whether or not the person identifies themselves as being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent. | AUCodeSetsIndigenousStatusType | 3 | <IndigenousStatus> | No Mapping |
Sex | O | Community.Gender | 'Sex' is the distinction 'male' and 'female', as reported by the person | AUCodeSetsSexCodeType | 3 | <Sex> | DONE |
BirthDate | O | Community.BirthDate | The person's date of birth. | xs:date | 3 | <BirthDate> | DONE |
DateOfDeath | O | Community.DeceasedDate (DSY-7894) | The person's date of death | xs:date | 3 | <DateOfDeath> | Future |
BirthDateVerification | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Means by which the person's birth date was validated. | AUCodeSetsBirthdateVerificationType | 3 | <BirthDateVerification> | No Mapping |
PlaceOfBirth | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | The person's place of birth—like village, town, city etc. | xs:normalizedString | 3 | <PlaceOfBirth> | No Mapping |
StateOfBirth | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | The person's state of birth. | union of: AUCodeSetsStateTerritoryCodeType, xs:token | 3 | <StateOfBirth> | No Mapping |
CountryOfBirth | O | Community.CountryOfBirthCode --> luCountry.Code | The person's country of birth. | AUCodeSetsStandardAustralianClassificationOfCountriesSACCType | 3 | <CountryOfBirth> | DONE |
CountriesOfCitizenship | O | -- |
| List | 3 | <CountriesOfCitizenship> |
CountriesOfCitizenship/CountryOfCitizenship | MR | Community.CountryCitizenshipCode --> luCountry.Code | A person's country of citizenship. | AUCodeSetsStandardAustralianClassificationOfCountriesSACCType | 4 | <CountryOfCitizenship> | DONE |
CountriesOfResidency | O | -- |
| List | 3 | <CountriesOfResidency> |
CountriesOfResidency/CountryOfResidency | MR | <no Synergetic mapping> | A person's country of residence. | AUCodeSetsStandardAustralianClassificationOfCountriesSACCType | 4 | <CountryOfResidency> | No Mapping |
CountryArrivalDate | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Date the person first arrived in the country. | xs:date | 3 | <CountryArrivalDate> | No Mapping |
AustralianCitizenshipStatus | O | pvCommunityCitizenships.StatusCode --> luCitizenshipStatus.Code | The person's citizenship status. | AUCodeSetsAustralianCitizenshipStatusType | 3 | <AustralianCitizenshipStatus> | DONE |
EnglishProficiency | O | -- |
| 3 | <EnglishProficiency> |
EnglishProficiency/Code | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | Person's proficiency in English. | AUCodeSetsEnglishProficiencyType | 4 | <Code> | No Mapping |
EnglishProficiency/OtherCodeList | O | -- | List of other codes or strings that crosswalk to or serve as translations of the Code element paired with this common element. If Code changes and OtherCodes are supported, both Code and all associated OtherCode elements must be present. | List | 4 | <OtherCodeList> |
EnglishProficiency/OtherCodeList/OtherCode | MR | -- | A state/province code, local code, other code or a text string that crosswalks to or serves as a translation of an associated Code element. | xs:token | 5 | <OtherCode> |
EnglishProficiency/OtherCodeList/@Codeset | MR | <no Synergetic mapping> | Describes the OtherCode element content as either a state/province code, a local code, other code, or text string. | values: StateProvince Local Other Text | 5 | <OtherCode CodeSet=""> | No Mapping |
LanguageList | O | -- | List of languages an individual uses to communicate. | List | 3 | <LanguageList> |
Language | MR | -- |
| 4 | <Language> |
Language/Code | M | Community.HomeLanguageCode --> luLanguage.Code | The code representing the specific language that an individual uses to communicate. | AUCodeSetsAustralianStandardClassificationOfLanguagesASCLType | 5 | <Code> | DONE |
Language/OtherCodeList | O | -- |
| List | 5 | <OtherCodeList> |
Language/OtherCodeList/OtherCode | MR | -- | A state/province code, local code, other code or a text string that crosswalks to or serves as a translation of an associated Code element. | xs:token | 6 | <OtherCode> |
Language/OtherCodeList/@Codeset | MR | ?? - We do have Indigenous and Neighbour Island language values in Community? | Describes the OtherCode element content as either a state/province code, a local code, other code, or text string. | values: StateProvince Local Other Text | 6 | <OtherCode CodeSet=""> | Future |
Language/LanguageType | O |
| An indication of the function and context in which an individual uses a language to communicate. | AUCodeSetsLanguageTypeType | 5 | <LanguageType> | Future |
Language/Dialect | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Specific dialect of a person's language. | xs:normalizedString | 5 | <Dialect> | No Mapping |
DwellingArrangement | O | -- | Setting/environment in which the person resides. |
| 3 | <DwellingArrangement> |
DwellingArrangement/Code | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | Code representing the setting/environment in which the person resides | AUCodeSetsDwellingArrangementType | 4 | <Code> | No Mapping |
DwellingArrangement/OtherCodeList | O | -- |
| List | 4 | <OtherCodeList> |
DwellingArrangement/OtherCodeList/OtherCode | MR | -- | A state/province code, local code, other code or a text string that crosswalks to or serves as a translation of an associated Code element. | xs:token | 5 | <OtherCode> |
DwellingArrangement/OtherCodeList/@Codeset | MR | <no Synergetic mapping> | Describes the OtherCode element content as either a state/province code, a local code, other code, or text string. | values: StateProvince Local Other Text | 5 | <OtherCode CodeSet=""> | No Mapping |
Religion | O | -- | Type of Religion if any |
| 3 | <Religion> |
Religion/Code | M | Community.ReligionCode --> luReligion.Code | Religion Code | AUCodeSetsAustralianStandardClassificationOfReligiousGroupsASCRGType | 4 | <Code> | DONE |
Religion/OtherCodeList | O | -- |
| List | 4 | <OtherCodeList> |
Religion/OtherCodeList/OtherCode | MR | -- | A state/province code, local code, other code or a text string that crosswalks to or serves as a translation of an associated Code element. | xs:token | 5 | <OtherCode> |
Religion/OtherCodeList/@Codeset | MR | <no Synergetic mapping> | Describes the OtherCode element content as either a state/province code, a local code, other code, or text string. | values: StateProvince Local Other Text | 5 | <OtherCode CodeSet=""> | No Mapping |
ReligiousEventList | O | -- | List of Religious events | List | 3 | <ReligiousEventList> |
ReligiousEventList/ReligiousEvent | OR | -- Only add if both the 'flag' and the 'date' need to be provided |
| 4 | <ReligiousEvent> |
ReligiousEventList/ReligiousEvent/Type | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | Religious Event - Currently Free Text | xs:normalizedString | 5 | <Type> | No Mapping |
ReligiousEventList/ReligiousEvent/Date | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | Date of Religious Event | xs:date | 5 | <Date> | No Mapping |
ReligiousRegion | O | Community.ParishCode --> luParish.Description | Belong to Religious Region - Currently Free Text. | xs:normalizedString | 3 | <ReligiousRegion> | DONE |
PermanentResident | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Australian Residency Status (Mandatory for Student) | AUCodeSetsPermanentResidentStatusType | 3 | <PermanentResident> | No Mapping |
VisaSubClass | O | pvCommunityCitizenshipVisaSubclasses.VisaSubClassCode | Visa Sub-Class - Can be free text - not necessary to validate | union of: AUCodeSetsVisaSubClassType xs:string | 3 | <VisaSubClass> | DONE |
VisaStatisticalCode | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Visa Statistical Code - Can be free text - not necessary to validate | xs:normalizedString | 3 | <VisaStatisticalCode> | No Mapping |
VisaExpiryDate | O | pvCommunityCitizenshipVisaSubclasses.VisaExpiryDate | Expiry Date of Visa if one exists | xs:date | 3 | <VisaExpiryDate> | DONE |
VisaSubClassListType | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | List of Visa details if more than one exists. | List | 3 | <VisaSubClassList> |
Code | MR | <no Synergetic mapping> |
| xs:normalizedString | 4 | <Code> | No Mapping |
VisaExpiryDate | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Expiry Date of Visa if one exists | xs:date | 4 | <VisaExpiryDate> | No Mapping |
ATEExpiryDate | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Authority to Enroll Expiry Date if one exists. Authority to Enroll Expiry date is also required to ensure the validity of a student’s enrolment. | xs:date | 4 | <ATEExpiryDate> | No Mapping |
ATEStartDate | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Authority to Enroll Start Date if one exists. Authority to Enroll Start is also required to ensure the validity of a student’s enrolment. | xs:date | 4 | <ATEStartDate> | No Mapping |
VisaStatisticalCode | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Visa Statistical Code - Can be free text - not necessary to validate | xs:normalizedString | 4 | <VisaStatisticalCode> | No Mapping |
LBOTE | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Language Background is Other Than English. (, the LBOTE metric is under review. Currently it can be derived from Student and Parents Language Background. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | 3 | <LBOTE> | No Mapping |
ImmunisationCertificateStatus | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Status of Immunisation Certificate | AUCodeSetsImmunisationCertificateStatusType | 3 | <ImmunisationCertificateStatus> | No Mapping |
CulturalBackground | O | Community.EthnicGroupCode1 --> luEthnicGroup.Code | Used to indicate cultural background. | AUCodeSetsAustralianStandardClassificationOfCulturalAndEthnicGroupsASCCEGType | 3 | <CulturalBackground> | DONE |
MaritalStatus | O | Community.MaritalStatus --> luMaritalStatus.Code | The person's marital status. | AUCodeSetsMaritalStatusAIHWType | 3 | <MaritalStatus> | DONE |
AddressList | O | -- | The person’s address(es). | List | 2 | <AddressList> |
Address | MR | -- | This element contains address data |
| 3 | <Address> |
@Type | M |