StudentPersonal |
| -- Current Student record only | This object contains all the personal information related to the student. |
| <StudentPersonal> | 0 |
RefId | M | Students.SIF3RefID | The GUID of the student. | RefIdType | <StudentPersonal RefId=""> | 0 | Done |
AlertMessages | O | -- List of non-medical alerts |
| List | <AlertMessages> | 1 |
AlertMessages/AlertMessage | MR | If CommunityLegal.CourtOrderType <> "" then CommunityLegal.CourtOrderType --> luCourtOrderType.Description | This is an alert message that is associated with the student. | xs:string | <AlertMessage> | 2 |
@Type | M | "Legal" | This attribute specifies what type of alert message this is. | values: Legal = Custody, guardian, court orders (e.g. must attend school), lawsuits, etc. Discipline = Student is suspended, expelled, on probation, etc. Educational = academic probation, etc. Other | <AlertMessage Type=""> | 2 | Future |
MedicalAlertMessages | O | -- List of medical alerts |
| List | <MedicalAlertMessages> | 1 |
MedicalAlertMessages/MedicalAlertMessage | MR | ?? Further discussion required around privacy of data | Medical alert associated with the student. | xs:string | <MedicalAlertMessage> | 2 |
@Severity | M | ?? Further discussion required around privacy of data | The level of severity of this medical alert. | values: Low Moderate High Severe Unknown | <MedicalAlertMessage Type=""> | 2 | Future |
LocalId | M | Community.ID | The locally-assigned identifier for this student. | xs:normalizedString | <LocalId> | 1 | DONE |
StateProvinceId | O | StudentStatic.GovernmentStudentNumber | The state-assigned identifier for this student. | xs:normalizedString | <StateProvinceId> | 1 | DONE |
ElectronicIdList | O | -- | Electronic identifier(s) associated with this entity. | List | <ElectronicIdList> | 1 |
ElectronicIdList/ElectronicId | MR | -- | Common element used to specify entity identifiers that are read by electronic equipment. | xs:normalizedString | <ElectonicId> | 2 |
@Type | MR | 01 = Community.Barcode | Electronic ID type. | xs:normalizedString | <ElectronicId Type=""> | 2 | DONE |
OtherIdList | O | -- | Lists all "other" identifiers associated with the student. | List | <OtherIdList> | 1 |
OtherIdList/OtherId | MR | -- | Lists an "other" identifier associated with the student. | xs:normalizedString | <OtherId> | 2 |
@Type | MR | IDAMLogin = Community.IdamLogin NetworkLogin = Community.NetworkLogin | Code that defines the type of this other ID. | xs:normalizedString | <OtherId Type=""> | 2 | DONE |
PersonInfo | M | -- | Personal Information |
| <PersonInfo> | 1 |
Name | M | -- | The name of the person. Note: Type attribute value of LGL must be used here. |
| <Name> | 2 |
@Type | M | "LGL" | Code that specifies what type of name this is. Note that type “LGL” must be used here. | values: LGL | <Name Type="LGL"> | 2 | DONE |
Title | O | Community.Title | A title or prefix associated with the name. If any of: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Rev, Fr, Dr, Prof, Hon, Sir, Lord, Lady - these must be as shown, otherwise free text. Note that title is not applicable to learners. | xs:normalizedString | <Title> | 3 | DONE |
FamilyName | C | Community.Surname | Family name. That part of the person's name which is used to describe family, clan, tribal group, or marital association. Note that this element is required when known. However, it may not be possible to know the family name in which case you should add the available information to the FullName element. | xs:normalizedString | <FamilyName> | 3 | DONE |
GivenName | C | Community.Given1 | Given name of the person. Note that this element is required if known. However, it may not be possible to know the given name in which case you should add the available information to the FullName element. | xs:normalizedString | <GivenName> | 3 | DONE |
MiddleName | O | Community.Given2 | All other given or middle names, each separated with a single space character. | xs:normalizedString | <MiddleName> | 3 | DONE |
FamilyNameFirst | O | Community.MailFormat = "s" | An indicator used to identify the naming conventions used by some predominantly non-European, ethnic or language groups and related to the display nature of a name. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | <FamilyNameFirst> | 3 | DONE |
PreferredFamilyName | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | The family name preferred most by the person (as written). | xs:normalizedString | <PreferredFamilyName> | 3 | No Mapping |
PreferredFamilyNameFirst | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | An indicator used to identify the naming conventions used by some predominantly non-European, ethnic or language groups and related to the display nature of a name. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | <PreferredFamilyNameFirst> | 3 | No Mapping |
PreferredGivenName | O | Community.Preferred | The given name preferred most by the person (as written). | xs:normalizedString | <PreferredGivenName> | 3 | DONE |
Suffix | O | Community.Suffix | Textual suffix like PHD, JP, BSc. | xs:normalizedString | <Suffix> | 3 | DONE |
FullName | C | Change mapping as per DSY-7696 | A free text field for the complete name for display purposes. If this is associated with a StudentPersonal,StaffPersonal or StudentContactPersonal record and the FamilyName and GivenName are not both specified, then this becomes mandatory. | xs:normalizedString | <FullName> | 3 | Future |
OtherNames | O | -- | Previous, alternate or other names or aliases associated with the person. | List | <OtherNames> | 2 |
Name | MR | <no Synergetic mapping> | Name of the person. Note: Type value of LGL may not occur here. |
| <Name> | 3 | No Mapping |
@Type | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | Code that specifies what type of name this is. Note that type “LGL” is NOT to be used here. | AUCodeSetsNameUsageTypeType | <Name Type=""> | 3 | No Mapping |
Title | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | A title or prefix associated with the name. If any of: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Rev, Fr, Dr, Prof, Hon, Sir, Lord, Lady - these must be as shown, otherwise free text. Note that title is not applicable to learners. | xs:normalizedString | <Title> | 4 | No Mapping |
FamilyName | C | <no Synergetic mapping> | Family name. That part of the person's name which is used to describe family, clan, tribal group, or marital association. Note that this element is required when known. However, it may not be possible to know the family name in which case you should add the available information to the FullName element. | xs:normalizedString | <FamilyName> | 4 | No Mapping |
GivenName | C | <no Synergetic mapping> | Given name of the person. Note that this element is required if known. However, it may not be possible to know the given name in which case you should add the available information to the FullName element. | xs:normalizedString | <GivenName> | 4 | No Mapping |
MiddleName | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | All other given or middle names, each separated with a single space character. | xs:normalizedString | <MiddleName> | 4 | No Mapping |
FamilyNameFirst | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | An indicator used to identify the naming conventions used by some predominantly non-European, ethnic or language groups and related to the display nature of a name. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | <FamilyNameFirst> | 4 | No Mapping |
PreferredFamilyName | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | The family name preferred most by the person (as written). | xs:normalizedString | <PreferredFamilyName> | 4 | No Mapping |
PreferredFamilyNameFirst | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | An indicator used to identify the naming conventions used by some predominantly non-European, ethnic or language groups and related to the display nature of a name. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | <PreferredFamilyNameFirst> | 4 | No Mapping |
PreferredGivenName | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | The given name preferred most by the person (as written). | xs:normalizedString | <PreferredGivenName> | 4 | No Mapping |
Suffix | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Textual suffix like PHD, JP, BSc. | xs:normalizedString | <Suffix> | 4 | No Mapping |
FullName | C | <no Synergetic mapping> | A free text field for the complete name for display purposes. If this is associated with a StudentPersonal,StaffPersonal or StudentContactPersonal record and the FamilyName and GivenName are not both specified, then this becomes mandatory. | xs:normalizedString | <FullName> | 4 | No Mapping |
Demographics | O | -- | Demographic information about the person. |
| <Demographics> | 2 |
IndigenousStatus | O | Students.IndigenousFlag & Students.TSIFlag | Whether or not the person identifies themselves as being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent. | AUCodeSetsIndigenousStatusType | <IndigenousStatus> | 3 | DONE |
Sex | O | Community.Gender | 'Sex' is the distinction 'male' and 'female', as reported by the person | AUCodeSetsSexCodeType | <Sex> | 3 | DONE |
BirthDate | O | Community.BirthDate | The person's date of birth. | xs:date | <BirthDate> | 3 | DONE |
BirthDateVerification | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Means by which the person's birth date was validated. | AUCodeSetsBirthdateVerificationType | <DateOfDeath> | 3 | No Mapping |
BirthDateVerification | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Means by which the person's birth date was validated. | AUCodeSetsBirthdateVerificationType | <BirthDateVerification> | 3 | No Mapping |
PlaceOfBirth | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | The person's place of birth—like village, town, city etc. | xs:normalizedString | <PlaceOfBirth> | 3 | No Mapping |
StateOfBirth | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | The person's state of birth. | union of: AUCodeSetsStateTerritoryCodeType, xs:token | <StateOfBirth> | 3 | No Mapping |
CountryOfBirth | O | Community.CountryOfBirthCode --> luCountry.Code | The person's country of birth. | AUCodeSetsStandardAustralianClassificationOfCountriesSACCType | <CountryOfBirth> | 3 | DONE |
CountriesOfCitizenship | O | -- |
| List | <CountriesOfCitizenship> | 3 |
CountriesOfCitizenship/CountryOfCitizenship | MR | Community.CountryCitizenshipCode --> luCountry.Code | A person's country of citizenship. | AUCodeSetsStandardAustralianClassificationOfCountriesSACCType | <CountryOfCitizenship> | 4 | DONE |
CountriesOfResidency | O | -- |
| List | <CountriesOfResidency> | 3 |
CountriesOfResidency/CountryOfResidency | MR | <no Synergetic mapping> | A person's country of residence. | AUCodeSetsStandardAustralianClassificationOfCountriesSACCType | <CountryOfResidency> | 4 | No Mapping |
CountryArrivalDate | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Date the person first arrived in the country. | xs:date | <CountryArrivalDate> | 3 | No Mapping |
AustralianCitizenshipStatus | O | pvCommunityCitizenships.StatusCode --> luCitizenshipStatus.Code | The person's citizenship status. | AUCodeSetsAustralianCitizenshipStatusType | <AustralianCitizenshipStatus> | 3 | DONE |
EnglishProficiency | O | -- |
| <EnglishProficiency> | 3 | DONE |
EnglishProficiency/Code | M | Students.ESLProficiencyLevel --> luESLProficiencyLevel.Code | Person's proficiency in English. | AUCodeSetsEnglishProficiencyType | <Code> | 4 | DONE |
EnglishProficiency/OtherCodeList | O | -- | List of other codes or strings that crosswalk to or serve as translations of the Code element paired with this common element. If Code changes and OtherCodes are supported, both Code and all associated OtherCode elements must be present. | List | <OtherCodeList> | 4 |
EnglishProficiency/OtherCodeList/OtherCode | MR | <no Synergetic mapping> | A state/province code, local code, other code or a text string that crosswalks to or serves as a translation of an associated Code element. | xs:token | <OtherCode> | 5 | No Mapping |
EnglishProficiency/OtherCodeList/@Codeset | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | Describes the OtherCode element content as either a state/province code, a local code, other code, or text string. | values: StateProvince Local Other Text | <OtherCode CodeSet=""> | 5 | No Mapping |
LanguageList | O | -- | List of languages an individual uses to communicate. | List | <LanguageList> | 3 |
Language | MR | -- |
| <Language> | 4 |
Language/Code | M | Community.HomeLanguageCode --> luLanguage.Code | The code representing the specific language that an individual uses to communicate. | AUCodeSetsAustralianStandardClassificationOfLanguagesASCLType | <Code> | 5 | DONE |
Language/OtherCodeList | O | -- |
| List | <OtherCodeList> | 5 |
Language/OtherCodeList/OtherCode | MR |
| A state/province code, local code, other code or a text string that crosswalks to or serves as a translation of an associated Code element. | xs:token | <OtherCode> | 6 |
Language/OtherCodeList/@Codeset | M |
| Describes the OtherCode element content as either a state/province code, a local code, other code, or text string. | values: StateProvince Local Other Text | <OtherCode CodeSet=""> | 6 | Future |
Language/LanguageType | O |
| An indication of the function and context in which an individual uses a language to communicate. | AUCodeSetsLanguageTypeType | <LanguageType> | 5 | Future |
Language/Dialect | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Specific dialect of a person's language. | xs:normalizedString | <Dialect> | 5 | No Mapping |
DwellingArrangement | O | -- | Setting/environment in which the person resides. |
| <DwellingArrangement> | 3 |
DwellingArrangement/Code | M | If StudentYears.Boarder --> luBoarder.SynergyMeaning = BOARDER then "4000" | Code representing the setting/environment in which the person resides | AUCodeSetsDwellingArrangementType | <Code> | 4 | DONE |
DwellingArrangement/OtherCodeList | O | -- |
| List | <OtherCodeList> | 4 |
DwellingArrangement/OtherCodeList/OtherCode | MR |
| A state/province code, local code, other code or a text string that crosswalks to or serves as a translation of an associated Code element. | xs:token | <OtherCode> | 5 |
DwellingArrangement/OtherCodeList/@Codeset | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | Describes the OtherCode element content as either a state/province code, a local code, other code, or text string. | values: StateProvince Local Other Text | <OtherCode CodeSet=""> | 5 | No Mapping |
Religion | O | -- | Type of Religion if any |
| <Religion> | 3 |
Religion/Code | M | Community.ReligionCode --> luReligion.Code | Religion Code | AUCodeSetsAustralianStandardClassificationOfReligiousGroupsASCRGType | <Code> | 4 | DONE |
Religion/OtherCodeList | O | -- |
| List | <OtherCodeList> | 4 |
Religion/OtherCodeList/OtherCode | MR |
| A state/province code, local code, other code or a text string that crosswalks to or serves as a translation of an associated Code element. | xs:token | <OtherCode> | 5 |
Religion/OtherCodeList/@Codeset | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | Describes the OtherCode element content as either a state/province code, a local code, other code, or text string. | values: StateProvince Local Other Text | <OtherCode CodeSet=""> | 5 | No Mapping |
ReligiousEventList | O | -- | List of Religious events | List | <ReligiousEventList> | 3 |
ReligiousEventList/ReligiousEvent | OR | -- Only add if both the 'flag' and the 'date' need to be provided |
| <ReligiousEvent> | 4 |
ReligiousEventList/ReligiousEvent/Type | M | If Students.BaptismFlag = 1 then "Baptism" If Students.ReconciliationFlag = 1 then "Reconciliation" If Students.CommunionFlag = 1 then "Communion" If Students.ConfirmationFlag = 1 then "Confirmation" | Religious Event - Currently Free Text | xs:normalizedString | <Type> | 5 | DONE |
ReligiousEventList/ReligiousEvent/Date | M | If Students.BaptismFlag = 1 then Students.BaptismDate If Students.ReconciliationFlag = 1 then Students.ReconciliationDate If Students.CommunionFlag = 1 then Students.CommunionDate If Students.ConfirmationFlag = 1 then Students.ConfirmationDate | Date of Religious Event | xs:date | <Date> | 5 | DONE |
ReligiousRegion | O | Community.ParishCode-->luParish.Description | Belong to Religious Region - Currently Free Text. | xs:normalizedString | <ReligiousRegion> | 3 | DONE |
PermanentResident | O | Students.NonResidentFlag → When 0 then 'P' Else 'N' | Australian Residency Status (Mandatory for Student) | AUCodeSetsPermanentResidentStatusType | <PermanentResident> | 3 | DONE |
VisaSubClass | O | pvCommunityCitizenshipVisaSubclasses.VisaSubClassCode | Visa Sub-Class - Can be free text - not necessary to validate | union of: AUCodeSetsVisaSubClassType xs:string | <VisaSubClass> | 3 | DONE |
VisaStatisticalCode | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Visa Statistical Code - Can be free text - not necessary to validate | xs:normalizedString | <VisaStatisticalCode> | 3 | No Mapping |
VisaExpiryDate | O | pvCommunityCitizenshipVisaSubclasses.VisaExpiryDate | Expiry Date of Visa if one exists | xs:date | <VisaExpiryDate> | 3 | DONE |
VisaSubClassListType | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | List of Visa details if more than one exists. | List | <VisaSubClassList> | 3 |
Code | MR | <no Synergetic mapping> |
| xs:normalizedString | <Code> | 4 | No Mapping |
VisaExpiryDate | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Expiry Date of Visa if one exists | xs:date | <VisaExpiryDate> | 4 | No Mapping |
ATEExpiryDate | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Authority to Enroll Expiry Date if one exists. Authority to Enroll Expiry date is also required to ensure the validity of a student’s enrolment. | xs:date | <ATEExpiryDate> | 4 | No Mapping |
ATEStartDate | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Authority to Enroll Start Date if one exists. Authority to Enroll Start is also required to ensure the validity of a student’s enrolment. | xs:date | <ATEStartDate> | 4 | No Mapping |
VisaStatisticalCode | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Visa Statistical Code - Can be free text - not necessary to validate | xs:normalizedString | <VisaStatisticalCode> | 4 | No Mapping |
LBOTE | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Language Background is Other Than English. (, the LBOTE metric is under review. Currently it can be derived from Student and Parents Language Background. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | <LBOTE> | 3 | No Mapping |
ImmunisationCertificateStatus | O | MedicalDetails.ImmunisationFormStatus | Status of Immunisation Certificate | AUCodeSetsImmunisationCertificateStatusType | <ImmunisationCertificateStatus> | 3 | DONE |
CulturalBackground | O | Community.EthnicGroup1Code --> luEthnicGroup.Code | Used to indicate cultural background. | AUCodeSetsAustralianStandardClassificationOfCulturalAndEthnicGroupsASCCEGType | <CulturalBackground> | 3 | DONE |
MaritalStatus | O | Community.MaritalStatus --> luMaritalStatus.Code | The person's marital status. | AUCodeSetsMaritalStatusAIHWType | <MaritalStatus> | 3 | DONE |
AddressList | O | -- | The person’s address(es). | List | <AddressList> | 2 |
Address | MR | -- | This element contains address data |
| <Address> | 3 |
@Type | M | See Address mappings | Code that defines the location of the Addresses. Note: A subset of specific valid values for each instance in a data object may be listed in that object. | AUCodeSetsAddressTypeType | <Address Type=""> | 3 | DONE |
@Role | M | See Address mappings | A facet of Address | AUCodeSetsAddressRoleType | <Address Role=""> | 3 | Done |
Street | M | -- | The street element is a complex element and breaks the street down into several parts. (Allow for PO Box here) |
| <Street> | 4 |
Street/Line1 | M | See Address mappings | Address line 1. | xs:normalizedString | <Line1> | 5 | Done |
Street/Line2 | O | See Address mappings | Address line 2. | xs:normalizedString | <Line2> | 5 | Done |
Street/Line3 | O | See Address mappings | Address line 3. | xs:normalizedString | <Line3> | 5 | Done |
Street/Complex | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Name of the complex. | xs:normalizedString | <Complex> | 5 | No Mapping |
Street/StreetNumber | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | The address number assigned to the building. | xs:normalizedString | <StreetNumber> | 5 | No Mapping |
Street/StreetPrefix | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Street prefix like NE | xs:normalizedString | <StreePrefix> | 5 | No Mapping |
Street/StreetName | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | The name of the street. | xs:normalizedString | <StreetName> | 5 | No Mapping |
Street/StreetType | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | The type of street. For example, Lane, Blvd., Ave., etc. | xs:normalizedString | <StreetType> | 5 | No Mapping |
Street/StreetSuffix | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Street suffix like SW. | xs:normalizedString | <StreetSuffix> | 5 | No Mapping |
Street/ApartmentType | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Type of apartment, for example, Suite. | xs:normalizedString | <ApartmentType> | 5 | No Mapping |
Street/ApartmentNumberPrefix | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Apartment number prefix. | xs:normalizedString | <ApartmentNumberPrefix> | 5 | No Mapping |
Street/ApartmentNumber | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | The number of the apartment. | xs:normalizedString | <ApartmentNumber> | 5 | No Mapping |
Street/ApartmentNumberSuffix | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Apartment number suffix. | xs:normalizedString | <ApartmentNumberSuffix> | 5 | No Mapping |
City | M | See Address mappings
| The city part of the Addresses. | xs:normalizedString | <City> | 4 | Done |
StateProvince | C | See Address mappings | The state or province code. StateTerritory Code only applicable if an Australian Addresses. Conditional- If Australian Address this is mandatory. | Union of: AUCodeSetsStateTerritoryCodeType, xs:token | <StateProvince> | 4 | Done |
Country | O | See Address mappings
| The country code. | AUCodeSetsStandardAustralianClassificationOfCountriesSACCType | <Country> | 4 | Done |
PostalCode | M | See Address mappings
| The ZIP/postal code. | xs:normalizedString | <PostalCode> | 4 | Done |
GridLocation | O | -- | The location of the Addresses. |
| <GridLocation> | 4 |
Latitude | M | See Address mappings | Latitudes north of the equator are positive, latitudes south of the equator are negative [ISO 6709]. Latitudes north of the equator are positive, latitudes south of the equator are negative [ISO 6709]. | xs:decimal xs:minInclusive = -90 xs:maxInclusive = 90 | <Latitude> | 5 | Done |
Longitude | M | See Address mappings | Longitudes east of the Prime Meridian in Greenwich are positive, longitudes west of the Prime Meridian are negative. The 180th meridian is negative. [ISO 6709] Longitudes east of the Prime Meridian in Greenwich are positive, longitudes west of the Prime Meridian are negative. The 180th meridian is negative. [ISO 6709] | xs:decimal xs:minInclusive = -180 xs:maxInclusive = 180 | <Longitude> | 5 | Done |
MapReference | O | -- | A Map Reference in x-y co-ordinates. |
| <MapReference> | 4 |
@Type | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | Type map reference | xs:normalizedString | <MapReference Type=""> | 4 | No Mapping |
MapReference/XCoordinate | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | X Co-ordinate of reference | xs:normalizedString | <XCoordinate> | 5 | No Mapping |
MapReference/YCoordinate | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | Y Co-ordinate of reference | xs:normalizedString | <YCoordinate> | 5 | No Mapping |
RadioContact | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | UHF Radio frequency or channel used for contact eg: 477MHz or CH60 | xs:string | <RadioContact> | 4 | No Mapping |
Community | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | This element is used to describe a Community that is associated with the instance of the Addresses. | xs:normalizedString | <Community> | 4 | No Mapping |
LocalId | O | See Address mappings | This is the LocalId of the specific address if it can be provided. | xs:normalizedString | <LocalId> | 4 | Done |
AddressGlobalUID | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | When it can be provided, it can be used by subsribing systems to connect addresses from different personal objects. When it can be provided, it can be used by subsribing systems to connect addresses from different personal objects. | GUIDType | <AddressGlobalUID> | 4 | No Mapping |
StatisticalAreas | O | -- | A list of Statistical Areas assoicated with an address that will be referenced back to ABS 1270. Only applicable to a physical address, e.g. not relevant for a Post Office Box. | List | <StatisticalAreas> | 4 |
StatisticalAreas/StatisticalArea | OR | -- | 1270.0.55.001 - Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 1 - Main Structure and Greater Capital City Statistical Areas, July 2011 1270.0.55.002 - Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 2 - Indigenous Structure, July 2011 1270.0.55.003 - Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 3 - Non ABS Structures, July, 2012 1270.0.55.003 - Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 3 - Non ABS Structures, July, 2012 | xs:normalizedString |
| 5 |
@SpatialUnitType | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | Type of Spatial Unit contained within the StatisticalArea Element | values: MB = Mesh Block SA1 = Statistical Area Level 1 SA2 = Statistical Area Level 2 SA3 = Statistical Area Level 3 SA4 = Statistical Area Level 4 GCCSA = Greater Capital City Statistical Areas S/T = State and Territory LG = Local Government Area TR = TourismRegion ILOC = Indigenous Location IARE = Indigenous Area IREG = Indigenous Region | <StatisticalArea SpacialUnitType=""> | 5 | No Mapping |
PhoneNumberList | O | -- | The person’s phone number(s). |
| <PhoneNumberList> | 2 |
PhoneNumber | MR | -- | This element represents a phone number and occurs within objects such as StudentPersonal, StaffPersonal, etc. |
| <PhoneNumber> | 3 |
@Type | M | See Phone number mappings | Code that specifies what type of phone number this is. Note: A subset of valid values may be specified in data objects. | AUCodeSetsTelephoneNumberTypeType | <PhoneNumber Type=""> | 3 | DONE |
Number | M | See Phone number mappings | (###) ####-########-####+##### ### ### | xs:normalizedString | <Number> | 4 | Done |
Extension | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Phone number extension. | xs:normalizedString | <Extension> | 4 | No Mapping |
ListedStatus | O | See Phone number mappings | Indicates whether or not the phone number is available to the public. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | <ListedStatus> | 4 | DONE |
xs:unsignedInt | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Preference number indicating an order in which phone numbers should be used when contacting person. |
| <Preference> | 4 | No Mapping |
EmailList | O | -- | The person’s e-mail address(es). | List | <EmailList> | 2 |
Type | MR | See Email mappings | This attribute specifies the type of email Addresses. | AUCodeSetsEmailTypeType | <Email Type=""> | 3 | Done |
| O | -- | The person's household/s contact information. | List | <HouseholdContactInfoList> | 2 |
HouseholdContactInfo | MR |
| Common element used to supply information about a particular household a person is a member of. | HouseholdContactInfoType | <HouseholdContactInfo> | 3 |
HouseholdContactInfo/PreferenceNumber | M |
| Priority of Household Contact in relation to this Person. | xs:unsignedInt | <PreferenceNumber> | 4 | No Mapping |
HouseholdContactInfo/HouseholdContactId | O |
| Local Household Id | xs:string | <HouseholdContactId> | 4 | No Mapping |
HouseholdContactInfo/HouseholdSalutation | O |
| Salutation to be used in addressing this household. | xs:normalizedString | <HouseholdSalutation> | 4 | No Mapping |
AddressList | O | -- | The person’s address(es). | List | <AddressList> | 4 |
Address | MR | -- | This element contains address data |
| <Address> | 5 |
@Type | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | Code that defines the location of the Addresses. Note: A subset of specific valid values for each instance in a data object may be listed in that object. | AUCodeSetsAddressTypeType | <Address Type=""> | 5 | No Mapping |
@Role | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | A facet of Address | AUCodeSetsAddressRoleType | <Address Role=""> | 5 | No Mapping |
Street | M |
| The street element is a complex element and breaks the street down into several parts. (Allow for PO Box here) |
| <Street> | 6 |
Street/Line1 | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | Address line 1. | xs:normalizedString | <Line1> | 7 | No Mapping |
Street/Line2 | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Address line 2. | xs:normalizedString | <Line2> | 7 | No Mapping |
Street/Line3 | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Address line 3. | xs:normalizedString | <Line3> | 7 | No Mapping |
Street/Complex | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Name of the complex. | xs:normalizedString | <Complex> | 7 | No Mapping |
Street/StreetNumber | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | The address number assigned to the building. | xs:normalizedString | <StreetNumber> | 7 | No Mapping |
Street/StreetPrefix | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Street prefix like NE | xs:normalizedString | <StreePrefix> | 7 | No Mapping |
Street/StreetName | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | The name of the street. | xs:normalizedString | <StreetName> | 7 | No Mapping |
Street/StreetType | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | The type of street. For example, Lane, Blvd., Ave., etc. | xs:normalizedString | <StreetType> | 7 | No Mapping |
Street/StreetSuffix | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Street suffix like SW. | xs:normalizedString | <StreetSuffix> | 7 | No Mapping |
Street/ApartmentType | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Type of apartment, for example, Suite. | xs:normalizedString | <ApartmentType> | 7 | No Mapping |
Street/ApartmentNumberPrefix | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Apartment number prefix. | xs:normalizedString | <ApartmentNumberPrefix> | 7 | No Mapping |
Street/ApartmentNumber | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | The number of the apartment. | xs:normalizedString | <ApartmentNumber> | 7 | No Mapping |
Street/ApartmentNumberSuffix | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Apartment number suffix. | xs:normalizedString | <ApartmentNumberSuffix> | 7 | No Mapping |
City | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | The city part of the Addresses. | xs:normalizedString | <City> | 6 | No Mapping |
StateProvince | C | <no Synergetic mapping> | The state or province code. StateTerritory Code only applicable if an Australian Addresses. Conditional- If Australian Address this is mandatory. | Union of: AUCodeSetsStateTerritoryCodeType, xs:token | <StateProvince> | 6 | No Mapping |
Country | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | The country code. | AUCodeSetsStandardAustralianClassificationOfCountriesSACCType | <Country> | 6 | No Mapping |
PostalCode | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | The ZIP/postal code. | xs:normalizedString | <PostalCode> | 6 | No Mapping |
GridLocation | O | -- | The location of the Addresses. |
| <GridLocation> | 6 |
Latitude | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | Latitudes north of the equator are positive, latitudes south of the equator are negative [ISO 6709]. Latitudes north of the equator are positive, latitudes south of the equator are negative [ISO 6709]. | xs:decimal xs:minInclusive = -90 xs:maxInclusive = 90 | <Latitude> | 7 | No Mapping |
Longitude | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | Longitudes east of the Prime Meridian in Greenwich are positive, longitudes west of the Prime Meridian are negative. The 180th meridian is negative. [ISO 6709] Longitudes east of the Prime Meridian in Greenwich are positive, longitudes west of the Prime Meridian are negative. The 180th meridian is negative. [ISO 6709] | xs:decimal xs:minInclusive = -180 xs:maxInclusive = 180 | <Longitude> | 7 | No Mapping |
MapReference | O | -- | A Map Reference in x-y co-ordinates. |
| <MapReference> | 6 |
@Type | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | Type map reference | xs:normalizedString | <MapReference Type=""> | 6 | No Mapping |
MapReference/XCoordinate | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | X Co-ordinate of reference | xs:normalizedString | <XCoordinate> | 7 | No Mapping |
MapReference/YCoordinate | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | Y Co-ordinate of reference | xs:normalizedString | <YCoordinate> | 7 | No Mapping |
RadioContact | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | UHF Radio frequency or channel used for contact eg: 477MHz or CH60 | xs:string | <RadioContact> | 6 | No Mapping |
Community | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | This element is used to describe a Community that is associated with the instance of the Addresses. | xs:normalizedString | <Community> | 6 | No Mapping |
LocalId | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | This is the LocalId of the specific address if it can be provided. | xs:normalizedString | <LocalId> | 6 | No Mapping |
AddressGlobalUID | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | When it can be provided, it can be used by subsribing systems to connect addresses from different personal objects. When it can be provided, it can be used by subsribing systems to connect addresses from different personal objects. | GUIDType | <AddressGlobalUID> | 6 | No Mapping |
StatisticalAreas | O | -- | A list of Statistical Areas assoicated with an address that will be referenced back to ABS 1270. Only applicable to a physical address, e.g. not relevant for a Post Office Box. | List | <StatisticalAreas> | 6 |
StatisticalAreas/StatisticalArea | OR | -- | 1270.0.55.001 - Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 1 - Main Structure and Greater Capital City Statistical Areas, July 2011 1270.0.55.002 - Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 2 - Indigenous Structure, July 2011 1270.0.55.003 - Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 3 - Non ABS Structures, July, 2012 1270.0.55.003 - Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 3 - Non ABS Structures, July, 2012 | xs:normalizedString |
| 7 |
@SpatialUnitType | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | Type of Spatial Unit contained within the StatisticalArea Element | values: MB = Mesh Block SA1 = Statistical Area Level 1 SA2 = Statistical Area Level 2 SA3 = Statistical Area Level 3 SA4 = Statistical Area Level 4 GCCSA = Greater Capital City Statistical Areas S/T = State and Territory LG = Local Government Area TR = TourismRegion ILOC = Indigenous Location IARE = Indigenous Area IREG = Indigenous Region | <StatisticalArea SpacialUnitType=""> | 7 | No Mapping |
HouseholdContactInfo/EmailList | O |
| List of Email elements. | EmailListType | <EmailList> | 4 |
Type | MR | <no Synergetic mapping> | This attribute specifies the type of email Addresses. | AUCodeSetsEmailTypeType | <Email Type=""> | 5 | No Mapping |
HouseholdContactInfo/PhoneNumberList | O |
| List of PhoneNumber elements. | PhoneNumberListType | <PhoneNumberList> | 4 |
PhoneNumber | MR | -- | This element represents a phone number and occurs within objects such as StudentPersonal, StaffPersonal, etc. |
| <PhoneNumber> | 5 |
@Type | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | Code that specifies what type of phone number this is. Note: A subset of valid values may be specified in data objects. | AUCodeSetsTelephoneNumberTypeType | <PhoneNumber Type=""> | 5 | No Mapping |
Number | M | <no Synergetic mapping> | (###) ####-########-####+##### ### ### | xs:normalizedString | <Number> | 6 | No Mapping |
Extension | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Phone number extension. | xs:normalizedString | <Extension> | 6 | No Mapping |
ListedStatus | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Indicates whether or not the phone number is available to the public. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | <ListedStatus> | 6 | No Mapping |
ProjectedGraduationYear | O | see DSY-7698 for calculation | Currently projected graduation year. | xs:gYear | <ProjectedGraduationYear> | 1 | Future |
OnTimeGraduationYear | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | First projected graduation year, usually determined when student is accepted into Year 9. | xs:gYear | <OnTimeGraduationYear> | 1 | No Mapping |
GraduationDate | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Date student officially graduated from secondary education. | Union of xs:date, xs:gYearMonth, xs:gYear | <GraduationDate> | 1 | No Mapping |
MostRecent | O | -- | Container for elements reflecting the most recent enrollment of a student. If the student is currently enrolled in the district, the elements contain current information. |
| <MostRecent> | 1 |
MostRecent/SchoolLocalId | O | School.SchoolSystemCode | Local identifier representing the school in which the student is or was most recently enrolled in the district. | xs:normalizedString | <SchoolLocalId> | 2 | No Mapping |
MostRecent/HomeroomLocalId | O | Currently mapped to StudentYears.Tutor | Local identifier representing the current or most recent homeroom in which the student is or was most recently assigned in the district. Use the value from RoomInfo/HomeroomNumber if supported. If not supported, use the value from RoomInfo/RoomNumber. If neither is supported, use the most appropriate value from the agent’s application. | xs:normalizedString | <HomeroomLocalId> | 2 | Future |
MostRecent/YearLevel | O | -- | The current or most recent year level of the student. |
| <YearLevel> | 2 |
MostRecent/YearLevel/Code | M | StudentYears.YearLevel | Code representing the Year Level | AUCodeSetsYearLevelCodeType | <Code> | 3 | DONE |
MostRecent/FTE | O |
| Full-time equivalent numeric value of the student's course load during this enrollment, expressed in decimal form, where 1.00 represents a full-time enrollment. | xs:decimal xs:minInclusive 0 xs:maxInclusive 1 xs:fractionDigits 2 | <FTE> | 2 | No Mapping |
MostRecent/Parent1Language | O | pvStudentParents.ParentID1 --> Community.HomeLanguageCode | Main language spoken by parent 1 at home, other than English. | AUCodeSetsAustralianStandardClassificationOfLanguagesASCLType | <Parent1Language> | 2 | DONE |
MostRecent/Parent2Language | O | pvStudentParents.ParentID2 --> Community.HomeLanguageCode | Main language spoken by parent 2 at home, other than English. | AUCodeSetsAustralianStandardClassificationOfLanguagesASCLType | <Parent2Language> | 2 | DONE |
MostRecent/Parent1EmploymentType | O | pvStudentParents.ParentID1 --> Community.OccupPositionCode | Code that defines employment type of Parent1. This is compulsory if being used for MCEECDYA (formerly MCEETYA) reporting. | AUCodeSetsEmploymentTypeType | <Parent1EmploymentType> | 2 | DONE |
MostRecent/Parent2EmploymentType | O | pvStudentParents.ParentID2 --> Community.OccupPositionCode | Code that defines employment type of Parent2. This is compulsory if being used for MCEECDYA (formerly MCEETYA) reporting. | AUCodeSetsEmploymentTypeType | <Parent2EmploymentType> | 2 | DONE |
MostRecent/Parent1SchoolEducationLevel | O | pvStudentParents.ParentID1 --> Community.HighestSecondaryYearLevel | The highest level of education completed by Parent1. | AUCodeSetsSchoolEducationLevelTypeType | <Parent1SchoolEducationLevel> | 2 | DONE |
MostRecent/Parent2SchoolEducationLevel | O | pvStudentParents.ParentID2 --> Community.HighestSecondaryYearLevel | The highest level of education completed by Parent2. | AUCodeSetsSchoolEducationLevelTypeType | <Parent2SchoolEducationLevel> | 2 | DONE |
MostRecent/Parent1NonSchoolEducation | O | pvStudentParents.ParentID1 --> Community.HighestQualificationLevel | This reflects the level of Parent1’s Non-School Education. | AUCodeSetsNonSchoolEducationType | <Parent1NonSchoolEducation> | 2 | DONE |
MostRecent/Parent2NonSchoolEducation | O | pvStudentParents.ParentID2 --> Community.HighestQualificationLevel | This reflects the level of Parent2’s Non-School Education. | AUCodeSetsNonSchoolEducationType | <Parent2NonSchoolEducation> | 2 | DONE |
MostRecent/LocalCampusId | O |
| Local identifier for a specific campus Id. This may be the same as the school local Id, but is expected to be supplied only if the school does in fact have distinct campuses. | xs:normalizedString | <LocalCampusId> | 2 | No Mapping |
MostRecent/SchoolACARAId | O |
| Identifier of the school in which the student is or was most recently enrolled in the district, as assigned in the Australian School List. | xs:normalizedString | <SchoolACARAId> | 2 | No Mapping |
MostRecent/TestLevel |
| Values: 3,5,7,9. The test level that the student is registering for. | YearLevelType | <TestLevel> | 2 |
MostRecent/TestLevel | O |
| Code representing the year level | AUCodeSetsYearLevelCodeType | <Code> | 3 | No Mapping |
MostRecent/Homegroup | O |
| The name of the homegroup the student enrollment belongs to. | xs:normalizedString | <Homegroup> | 2 | No Mapping |
MostRecent/ClassCode | O |
| The name of the class code the student belongs to, for the purposes of NAPLAN registration. | xs:normalizedString | <ClassCode> | 2 | No Mapping |
MostRecent/MembershipType | O |
| The type of this enrollment as it relates to the school identified in SchoolInfoRefId. | AUCodeSetsSchoolEnrollmentTypeType | <MembershipType> | 2 | No Mapping |
MostRecent/FFPOS | O |
| Enrolled Full-fee Paying Overseas Student (FFPOS) Status. Enrolment Frame Element 10 NSCC Collection. The status of an enrolment in a CRICOS course and whether the person is liable for a fee which reflects the imputed full average cost of the person's education at the school (including both recurrent and capital costs) irrespective of the actual arrangements to meet the fee. | AUCodeSetsFFPOSStatusCodeType | <FFPOS> | 2 | No Mapping |
MostRecent/ReportingSchoolId | O |
| This is the school ACARAId to which student's report is to be made available. | xs:normalizedString | <ReportingSchoolId> | 2 | No Mapping |
MostRecent/OtherEnrollmentSchoolACARAId | O |
| ACARAId of other school that student is enrolled in, if known, as assigned in the Australian School List. | xs:normalizedString | <OtherEnrollmentSchoolACARAId> | 2 | No Mapping |
AcceptableUsePolicy | O | If StudentStatic.AcceptableUseFormReceivedDate <> null then "Y" | Does the student have a current signed Acceptable Use Policy document for system access? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | <AcceptableUsePolicy> | 1 | DONE |
GiftedTalented | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Is the student in Gifted/Talented programs? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | <GiftedTalented> | 1 | No Mapping |
EconomicDisadvantage | O | StudentStatic.EMAFlag | Does the student meet the State criteria for classification as having an economic disadvantage? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | <EconomicDisadvantage> | 1 | DONE |
ESL | O | students.EnglishSecondFlag | Does the student meet ‘English as a Second Language Criteria’? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | <ESL> | 1 | DONE |
GiftedTalented | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Date ESL eligibility was assessed. Having access to the date the last ESL assessment took place enables a school or the department to initiate a new assessment if required. | xs:date | <ESLDateAssessed> | 1 | No Mapping |
YoungCarersRole | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Is the student a carer of other family members? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | <YoungCarersRole> | 1 | No Mapping |
Disability | O | if dbo.Students.DisabilityFlag = 1 then "Y" else "N" | Does the student have funding for disability? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | <Disability> | 1 | DONE |
IntegrationAide | O | StudentStatic.IntegrationFlag | Does the Student require an Integration Aide? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | <IntegrationAide> | 1 | DONE |
EducationSupport | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Is the student in receipt of education support? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | <EducationSupport> | 1 | No Mapping |
HomeSchooledStudent | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Student is not attending any school registered in the Australian School List. Mandatory if true. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | <HomeSchooledStudent> | 1 | No Mapping |
Sensitive | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | For local use by jurisdictions where a court order, custody order or other restriction or risk exists and the student's record needs to be treated sensitively as restrictions on use apply. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | <Sensitive> | 1 | No Mapping |
OfflineDelivery | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Note that the student is unable to sit an assessment via an online delivery mode. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | <OfflineDelivery> | 1 | No Mapping |
PrePrimaryEducation | O | <no Synergetic mapping> | Care prior to kinder enrolment (eg. Family day care/home/extended care etc). | xs:normalizedString | <PrePrimaryEducation> | 1 | No Mapping |
FirstAUSchoolEnrollment | O | StudentStatic.InitialSchoolingDate | Date of the first enrolment in an Australian School | xs:date | <FirstAUSchoolEnrollment> | 1 | Done |
SIF_Metadata | O | <no Synergetic mapping> |
| SIF_Metadata | <SIF_Metadata> | 1 | No Mapping |
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | <no Synergetic mapping> |
| SIF_ExtendedElements | <SIF_ExtendedElements> | 1 | No Mapping |