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This feature provides a more convenient and efficient way to add skill details to Community members in bulk over the existing method of locating individual community member and then enter skill details manually.

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Complete a quick survey to help us improve this feature. Let us know if you intend to use it and why.

How to Import Skills from a Spreadsheet file


  1. Open your spreadsheet application (e.g., Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets).

  2. Organize your data. Ensure the header and data in each of the column comply to the Rules. (See Loading merge files when importing skills)

  3. Save your spreadsheet in a compatible format CSV with comma or Tab as delimiter in your preferred location on the computer.


  1. Launch SynMain.

  2. Navigate to Module > Human Resource > Skill Community Skills Import from the main menu.

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Tip: You can also access the Human Resource functions by clicking the Human Resource toolbar icon. HR.png


  1. Click Load From File. Browse to the location where the spreadsheet resides and select your prepared spreadsheet file.

  2. Enable/disable header record option according to your spreadsheet.

  3. Set the delimiter used in the spreadsheet. Enter comma or T for tab-delimiter files.

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Step 4: Review and Confirm

  1. Preview the data in the Skill Import Window for errors or mismatches.

  2. Correct invalid data errors for records with the information provided under Status Message column.

  3. If required, add or modify any data by clicking on any data cell and provide the information. Except for Status Message, any other cell is editable.

  4. Confirm the records to import by ensuring they have been selected by ticking the checkbox under Select column. Once you are satisfied, click Accept and Create Skills.

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Step 5: Verify the import

  1. Inspect Community Member’s skill record to verify that the skills have been imported and added correctly in Community Maintenance. (See Community Maintenance - Skills tab - Synergetic Application - Confluence)

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  1. The import can also be verified via the same tab in Staff’s record in Staff Maintenance. (See Staff Maintenance - Skills tab - Synergetic Application - Confluence)

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Tips for a Smooth Import

  • Ensure data consistency: Make sure all data entries follow a consistent format.

  • Test with a small dataset: If you're importing a large number of skill records, start with a small sample to ensure the process works smoothly.

  • Take your time before submitting: The intention of the preview prior to clicking “Accept and Create Skills”, is your last chance to change your mind. Review the records carefully prior to submitting.


  • Tell your staff about the new functionality, and encourage them to use it

  • You may wish to provide training or policy guidance to users on how to utilise the new functionality effectively.

Tell us what you think
Complete a quick survey to help us improve this feature. Let us know if you intend to use it and why.