You can maintain details of external or internal courses that the past student has attended.
Courses are used:
Note: Most secondary schools do not use this feature. Consider the Classes tab Anchor |
H_8775 | H_8775 | (on page ) of Past Student Maintenance instead. Contact Synergetic Management Systems if you are unsure whether your organisation should use the courses feature or not.
How to:
Add an agent relationship to a student. See Adding agent relationships to students (on page ).
Modify student class details for the selected course. See Modifying student class details (on page past students).
What you can do:
What you can do… | See… |
You can: - maintain the student's enrolment details for a course, including:
- any prior courses
- date the course was completed and whether a certificate was issued
- status of the course at a given date, along with any details.
- view their course status history.
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H_25777H_25777 | (on page )You can: - maintain relationships with a student's agents
- nominate the agent who receives the commission, if the student has a relationship with more than one agent
- maintain the nominated agent's:
- control account, override rate and schedule, if commission is payable
- commission alert, if required.
- view the nominated agent's invoice details for the selected course and student.
| Course Details Maintenance - Agent tab |
(on page ) |
You can: - display students who are on a course arranged by an agent
- select student course enrolments to match with an agent's invoice
- authorise agent invoices
- display agent invoices that have been authorised
- reverse the authorisation of selected entries.
| Using the Agent Commission Schedule Maintenance window |
(on page ) |
View: - fees for the course
- amount charged, paid to date and owing for the course
- debtor's details and the overall amount owing
- debtor's most recent payment details.
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H_25938 | H_25938 (on page )Maintain: - any special comments about the student's participation in the course
- details of any deferral of their attendance.
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H_25784 | H_25784 (on page )You can: - view classes the student is attending as part of the course
- modify the student's class details
- load default classes for the course from Course Maintenance.
| Course Details Maintenance - Classes tab |
(on page )H_25788 | (on page ) |
You can: - view default fees that apply to the student enrolled in the course
- change the amounts and charge dates that apply
- view financial details, including what has been charged and is still owed by the debtor
- add or delete fees from the student's course
- reload the default fees.
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H_25788 | You can open forms that have been created at your organisation. | |
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H_25796 | H_25796 | (on page )