Staff.StaffSIF3RefId | ID (GUID) of this staff member, as represented in the StaffPersonal object. | GUIDType | 1 | <StaffPersonalRefId> | Done |
Description | O | JobPositions.Description | Short assignment description | xs:normalizedString | 1 | <Description> | Done |
PrimaryAssignment | M | If FTE >= 0.50 then YES else NO | Is this the staff member's primary assignment? Note: There must be one and only one instance of the object with a Yes value in this element per StaffMember per school year. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | 1 | <PrimaryAssignment> | Done |
JobStartDate | O | StaffJobPositions.StartDate | This is the date from which the staff assignment is valid (inclusive). | xs:date | 1 | <JobStartDate> | Done |
JobEndDate | O | StaffJobPositions.EndDate | This is the date through which the staff assignment is valid (inclusive). | xs:date | 1 | <JobEndDate> | Done |
JobFTE | O | StaffJobPositions.FTE | Full-time job equivalent ratio for this assignment. (Format is x.xx; an employee who is full-time and who is 50% of their time on this assignment would be represented as 0.50) | xs:decimal xs:minInclusive = 0 xs:maxInclusive = 1 xs:fractionDigits = 2 | 1 | <JobFTE> | Done |
JobFunction | O | <No Synergetic Mapping> | The purpose of the activities as related to students. | xs:string | 1 | <JobFunction> | No Mapping |
StaffSubjectList | O | -- | Subject(s) Staff member is eligible to teach. | List | 1 | <StaffSubjectList> |
StaffSubjectList/StaffSubject | MR | <No Synergetic Mapping> | This element contains Staff subjects they are eligible to teach together with the teaching preference. |
| 2 | <StaffSubject> | Future |
StaffSubjectList/StaffSubject/PreferenceNumber | M | <No Synergetic Mapping> | Priority of Subject to Teach. | xs:unsignedInt | 3 | <PreferenceNumber> | Future |
StaffSubjectList/StaffSubject/SubjectLocalId | O | <No Synergetic Mapping> | Local Subject Id | xs:normalizedString | 3 | <SubjectLocalId> | Future |
StaffSubjectList/StaffSubject/TimeTableSubjectRefId | O | <No Synergetic Mapping> | RefId of TimeTableSubject | GUIDType | 3 | <TimeTableSubjectRefId> | Future |
StaffActivity | O | <No Synergetic Mapping> | The purpose of the Teacher's role as related to students. Equivalent to 'JobFunction' in US Object. |
| 1 | <StaffActivity> | Future |
StaffActivity/Code | M | <No Synergetic Mapping> | Code representing the type of staff activity undertaken. | AUCodeSetsStaffActivityType | 2 | <Code> | Future |
StaffActivity/OtherCodeList | O | -- |
| List | 2 | <OtherCodeList> |
StaffActivity/OtherCodeList/OtherCode | MR | <No Synergetic Mapping> | A state/province code, local code, other code or a text string that crosswalks to or serves as a translation of an associated Code element. | xs:token | 3 | <OtherCode> | No Mapping |
StaffActivity/OtherCodeList/@Codeset | M | <No Synergetic Mapping> | Describes the OtherCode element content as either a state/province code, a local code, other code, or text string. | values: StateProvince Local Other Text | 3 | <OtherCode CodeSet=""> | No Mapping |
YearLevels | O | -- | Year level(s) that the teacher is allowed to teach. | List | 1 | <YearLevels> |
YearLevel | O | -- | Year or academic level of student. |
| 2 | <YearLevel> |
YearLevel/Code | M | <No Synergetic Mapping> | Code representing the year level. | AUCodeSetsYearLevelCodeType | 3 | <Code> | No Mapping |
CasualReliefTeacher | O | <No Synergetic Mapping> | Is this teacher a casual relief teacher CRT? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | 1 | <CasualReliefTeacher> | No Mapping |
Homegroup | O | Staff.Form --> luForm.Description | The name of the homegroup the staff member is assigned to. | xs:normalizedString | 1 | <Homegroup> | Future |
House | O | Staff.House --> luHouse.Description | The name of the house the staff member is assigned to. | xs:normalizedString | 1 | <House> | Done |
CalendarSummaryList | O |
| List | 1 | <CalendarSummaryList> |
CalendarSummaryRefId | OR | <No Synergetic Mapping> | The ID (GUID) of a calendar summary to which this Staff Member is associated with. | GUIDType | 2 | <CalendarSummaryRefId> | No Mapping |
SIF_Metadata | O | <No Synergetic Mapping> |
| SIF_Metadata | 1 | <SIF_Metadata> | No Mapping |
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | <No Synergetic Mapping> |
| SIF_ExtendedElements | 1 | <SIF_ExtendedElements> | No Mapping |