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Record Selection

This object uses the Staff Job Positions area within Synergetic and includes records satisfying the following criteria:

  • The Job Position has a SIF RefID
  • The Job Position is linked to a Staff member with a SIF RefID
  • The Job Position either has no end date, or the year of the end date is within the current or a future calendar year

Field Mapping

Table filter
separatorPoint (.)
datepatterndd M yy
worklog5|8|w d h m

FieldRequired?Synergetic MappingDescriptionTypeLevelXML StructureStatus

@RefIdMStaffJobPositions.SIF3RefIdThe GUID that uniquely identifies a particular staff assignment.GUIDType0<StaffAssignment RefId="">Done
SchoolInfoRefIdMConfig('ExternalSystem', 'SIF3', 'SchoolInfo', 'School', 'RefId').ValueThe ID (GUID) that identifies the school where the staff member is assigned.GUIDType1<SchoolInfoRefId>Done
SchoolYearO<No Synergetic Mapping> JobStartDate & JobEndDate used instead?School year for which the information is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g., 2007). Release 1.2 allows this to be optional as JobStart and EndDate allow for this Object to be used over more than one year.xs:gYear1<SchoolYear>No Mapping
StaffPersonalRefIdMCommunityIdentifiers(StaffId).SIF3RefIdID (GUID) of this staff member, as represented in the StaffPersonal object.GUIDType1<StaffPersonalRefId>Done
DescriptionOJobPositions.DescriptionShort assignment descriptionxs:normalizedString1<Description>Done
PrimaryAssignmentMIf FTE >= 0.50 then YES else NOIs this the staff member's primary assignment? Note: There must be one and only one instance of the object with a Yes value in this element per StaffMember per school year.AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType1<PrimaryAssignment>Done
JobStartDateOStaffJobPositions.StartDateThis is the date from which the staff assignment is valid (inclusive).xs:date1<JobStartDate>Done
JobEndDateOStaffJobPositions.EndDateThis is the date through which the staff assignment is valid (inclusive).xs:date1<JobEndDate>Done
JobFTEOStaffJobPositions.FTEFull-time job equivalent ratio for this assignment. (Format is x.xx; an employee who is full-time and who is 50% of their time on this assignment would be represented as 0.50)xs:decimal xs:minInclusive = 0 xs:maxInclusive = 1 xs:fractionDigits = 21<JobFTE>Done
JobFunctionO<No Synergetic Mapping>The purpose of the activities as related to students.xs:string1<JobFunction>No Mapping
StaffSubjectListO--Subject(s) Staff member is eligible to teach.List1<StaffSubjectList>
StaffSubjectList/StaffSubjectMR<No Synergetic Mapping>This element contains Staff subjects they are eligible to teach together with the teaching preference.
StaffSubjectList/StaffSubject/PreferenceNumberM<No Synergetic Mapping>Priority of Subject to Teach.xs:unsignedInt3<PreferenceNumber>Future
StaffSubjectList/StaffSubject/SubjectLocalIdO<No Synergetic Mapping>Local Subject Idxs:normalizedString3<SubjectLocalId>Future
StaffSubjectList/StaffSubject/TimeTableSubjectRefIdO<No Synergetic Mapping>RefId of TimeTableSubjectGUIDType3<TimeTableSubjectRefId>Future
StaffActivityO<No Synergetic Mapping>The purpose of the Teacher's role as related to students. Equivalent to 'JobFunction' in US Object.
StaffActivity/CodeM<No Synergetic Mapping>Code representing the type of staff activity undertaken.AUCodeSetsStaffActivityType2<Code>Future
StaffActivity/OtherCodeList/OtherCodeMR<No Synergetic Mapping>A state/province code, local code, other code or a text string that crosswalks to or serves as a translation of an associated Code element.xs:token3<OtherCode>No Mapping
StaffActivity/OtherCodeList/@CodesetM<No Synergetic Mapping>Describes the OtherCode element content as either a state/province code, a local code, other code, or text string.values: StateProvince Local Other Text3<OtherCode CodeSet="">No Mapping
YearLevelsO--Year level(s) that the teacher is allowed to teach.List1<YearLevels>
YearLevelO--Year or academic level of student.
YearLevel/CodeM<No Synergetic Mapping>Code representing the year level.AUCodeSetsYearLevelCodeType3<Code>No Mapping
CasualReliefTeacherO<No Synergetic Mapping>Is this teacher a casual relief teacher CRT?AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType1<CasualReliefTeacher>No Mapping
HomegroupOStaff.Form --> luForm.DescriptionThe name of the homegroup the staff member is assigned to.xs:normalizedString1<Homegroup>Future
HouseOStaff.House --> luHouse.DescriptionThe name of the house the staff member is assigned to.xs:normalizedString1<House>Done

CalendarSummaryRefIdOR<No Synergetic Mapping>The ID (GUID) of a calendar summary to which this Staff Member is associated with.GUIDType2<CalendarSummaryRefId>No Mapping
SIF_MetadataO<No Synergetic Mapping>
SIF_Metadata1<SIF_Metadata>No Mapping
SIF_ExtendedElementsO<No Synergetic Mapping>
SIF_ExtendedElements1<SIF_ExtendedElements>No Mapping