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FieldRequired?Synergetic MappingDescriptionLevelXML StructureStatus
@RefIdM@SubjectClasses.SIF3RefID ** New column to be added to SubjectClassesThe GUID of the TeachingGroup0<TeachingGroup RefId="">DONE
SchoolYearMSubjectClasses.FileYearSchool year for which the information is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g., "2007").1<SchoolYear>DONE
LocalIdMSubjectClasses.SubjectClassesSeqClassCodeLocalId of the Teaching Group (previously ClassIndicator).1<LocalId>DONE
ShortNameMSubjectClasses.ClassCodeShort free format label that describes the group.1<ShortName>DONE
LongNameOSubjectClasses.DescriptionLonger description if required.1<LongName>DONE
SetO<No Synergetic Mapping>Set Number (UK)1<Set>No Mapping
BlockO<No Synergetic Mapping>Block (UK)1<Block>No Mapping
CurriculumLevelOSubjectClasses.NormalYearLevelAssessment Stage eg VELS Level1<CurriculumLevel>DONE
SchoolInfoRefIdOConfig('Provider', 'SchoolInfo', '', 'RefId').Value ** Assuming no Campuses in SchoolInfo objectGUID of SchoolInfo object this teaching group belongs to.1<SchoolInfoRefId>DONE
SchoolLocalIdOSchool.SchoolSystemCodeLocal School Id.1<SchoolLocalId>DONE
SchoolCourseInfoRefIdO<No Synergetic Mapping>GUID of SchoolCourseInfo object this teaching group is part of.1<SchoolCourseInfoRefId>No Mapping
SchoolCourseLocalIdOLearningAreas.LearningAreasSeq<No Synergetic Mapping>Local Course Id.1<SchoolCourseLocalId>No mapping
TimeTableSubjectRefIdO<No Synergetic Mapping>GUID of TimeTableSubject object this teaching group belongs to.1<TimeTableSubjectRefId>No Mapping
Local subject Id.1<TimeTableSubjectLocalId>No mapping
SemesterOSubjectClasses.SemesterSemester, Term, or Quarter subject offered.1<Semester>DONE
StudentListO--List of Students in this Teaching Group1<StudentList>
StudentList/TeachingGroupStudentMR--Students who belong to the TeachingGroup2<TeachingGroupStudent>
StudentList/TeachingGroupStudent/StudentPersonalRefIdOCommunityIdentifiers.SIF3RefIDGUID from the StudentPersonal or StudentSnapshot Object (if known), that identifies the student.3<StudentPersonalRefId>DONE
StudentList/TeachingGroupStudent/StudentLocalIdMStudentClasses.IdLocal Id of the Student3<StudentLocalId>DONE
Name of student3<Name>
@TypeM@"LGL"Code that specifies what type of name this is. Note that type “LGL” must be used here.3<Name Type="LGL">DONE
TitleOCommunity.TitleA title or prefix associated with the name. If any of: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Rev, Fr, Dr, Prof, Hon, Sir, Lord, Lady - these must be as shown, otherwise free text. Note that title is not applicable to learners.4<Title>DONE
FamilyNameCCommunity.SurnameFamily name. That part of the person's name which is used to describe family, clan, tribal group, or marital association. Note that this element is required when known. However, it may not be possible to know the family name in which case you should add the available information to the FullName element.4<FamilyName>DONE
GivenNameCCommunity.Given1Given name of the person. Note that this element is required if known. However, it may not be possible to know the given name in which case you should add the available information to the FullName element.4<GivenName>DONE
MiddleNameOCommunity.Given2All other given or middle names, each separated with a single space character.4<MiddleName>DONE
FamilyNameFirstOCommunity.MailFormat = "s"An indicator used to identify the naming conventions used by some predominantly non-European, ethnic or language groups and related to the display nature of a name.4<FamilyNameFirst>DONE
PreferredFamilyNameO<No Synergetic Mapping>The family name preferred most by the person (as written).4<PreferredFamilyName>No Mapping
PreferredFamilyNameFirstO<No Synergetic Mapping>An indicator used to identify the naming conventions used by some predominantly non-European, ethnic or language groups and related to the display nature of a name.4<PreferredFamilyNameFirst>No Mapping
PreferredGivenNameOCommunity.PreferredThe given name preferred most by the person (as written).4<PreferredGivenName>DONE
SuffixOCommunity.SuffixTextual suffix like PHD, JP, BSc.4<Suffix>Future
FullNameCCommunity.LegalFullNameA free text field for the complete name for display purposes. If this is associated with a StudentPersonal,StaffPersonal or StudentContactPersonal record and the FamilyName and GivenName are not both specified, then this becomes mandatory.4<FullName>DONE
TeacherListO--A List of teachers associated with the group – may or may not include the teacher timetabled in the schedule.1<TeacherList>
TeacherList/TeachingGroupTeacherMR--Teacher associated with the Teaching group – may or may not be the teacher timetabled in the schedule2<TeachingGroupTeacher>
TeacherList/TeachingGroupTeacher/StaffPersonalRefIdOCommunityIdentifiers.SIF3RefIDGUID from the StaffPersonal Object that identifies the Staff member3<StaffPersonalRefId>DONE
TeacherList/TeachingGroupTeacher/StaffLocalIdMSubjectClassStaff.StaffIDLocalId of the Staff member3<StaffLocalId>DONE
Name of Staff Member.3<Name>

Use luStaffClassRole.Description from SubjectClassStaff.StaffClassRoleCode

Default "Class Teacher" if blank

Association with the Teaching Group (free format for this release)

@TypeM@"LGL"Code that specifies what type of name this is. Note that type “LGL” must be used here.3<Name Type="LGL">DONE
TitleOCommunity.TitleA title or prefix associated with the name. If any of: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Rev, Fr, Dr, Prof, Hon, Sir, Lord, Lady - these must be as shown, otherwise free text. Note that title is not applicable to learners.4<Title>DONE
FamilyNameCCommunity.SurnameFamily name. That part of the person's name which is used to describe family, clan, tribal group, or marital association. Note that this element is required when known. However, it may not be possible to know the family name in which case you should add the available information to the FullName element.4<FamilyName>DONE
GivenNameCCommunity.Given1Given name of the person. Note that this element is required if known. However, it may not be possible to know the given name in which case you should add the available information to the FullName element.4<GivenName>DONE
MiddleNameOCommunity.Given2All other given or middle names, each separated with a single space character.4<MiddleName>DONE
FamilyNameFirstOCommunity.MailFormat = "s"An indicator used to identify the naming conventions used by some predominantly non-European, ethnic or language groups and related to the display nature of a name.4<FamilyNameFirst>DONE
PreferredFamilyNameO<No Synergetic Mapping>The family name preferred most by the person (as written).4<PreferredFamilyName>No Mapping
PreferredFamilyNameFirstO<No Synergetic Mapping>An indicator used to identify the naming conventions used by some predominantly non-European, ethnic or language groups and related to the display nature of a name.4<PreferredFamilyNameFirst>No Mapping
PreferredGivenNameOCommunity.PreferredThe given name preferred most by the person (as written).4<PreferredGivenName>DONE
SuffixOCommunity.SuffixTextual suffix like PHD, JP, BSc.4<Suffix>Future
FullNameCCommunity.LegalFullNameA free text field for the complete name for display purposes. If this is associated with a StudentPersonal,StaffPersonal or StudentContactPersonal record and the FamilyName and GivenName are not both specified, then this becomes mandatory.4<FullName>DONE
TeacherList/TeachingGroupTeacher/AssociationM<No Synergetic Mapping>Association with the Teaching Group (free format for this release)3<Association>No Mapping
MinClassSizeO<No Synergetic Mapping>Minimum class size.1<MinClassSize>No Mapping
MaxClassSizeO<No Synergetic Mapping>Maximum class size1<MaxClassSize>No Mapping
TeachingGroupPeriodListO--PeriodId or StartTime must be provided.1<TeachingGroupPeriodList>
TeachingGroupPeriodList/TeachingGroupPeriodMR<No Synergetic Mapping>Timeslot information that can be published by an SIS which is a subset of information available in the TimeTableCell object.2<TeachingGroupPeriod>No Mapping
TeachingGroupPeriodList/TeachingGroupPeriod/TimeTableCellRefIdO<No Synergetic Mapping>If the TimeTableCell has been previously published, this reference can be provided as a connection to more detailed schedule information.3<TimeTableCellRefId>No Mapping
TeachingGroupPeriodList/TeachingGroupPeriod/RoomNumberO<No Synergetic Mapping>Room number as presented to the user/application.3<RoomNumber>No Mapping
TeachingGroupPeriodList/TeachingGroupPeriod/StaffLocalIdO<No Synergetic Mapping>Local Id of Staff member scheduled to take this class.3<StaffLocalId>No Mapping
TeachingGroupPeriodList/TeachingGroupPeriod/DayIdM<No Synergetic Mapping>Day Id3<DayId>No Mapping
TeachingGroupPeriodList/TeachingGroupPeriod/PeriodIdC<No Synergetic Mapping>Period Id within the Day Id. Either Period Id or starting time must be provided.3<PeriodId>No Mapping
TeachingGroupPeriodList/TeachingGroupPeriod/StartTimeC<No Synergetic Mapping>Starting time of class within the Day Id. Either Period Id or starting time must be provided.3<StartTime>No Mapping
TeachingGroupPeriodList/TeachingGroupPeriod/CellTypeO<No Synergetic Mapping>Type of Lesson/Session eg Teaching, Lunch etc3<CellType>No Mapping
SIF_MetadataO<No Synergetic Mapping>
1<SIF_Metadata>No Mapping
SIF_ExtendedElementsO<No Synergetic Mapping>
1<SIF_ExtendedElements>No Mapping