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You can use the Properties tab to configure properties that determine the functionality and style of the currently selected element.Image Removed

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For example, the Validation property can be configured to apply an email validation to a Text input element.

titleOpening the Properties tab

To open the Properties tab:

  1. Log into the Online form builder. See Logging into the Online form builder.
  2. Open a form. See Opening forms.
    The Elements tab of the Online form builder window is displayed.
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  3. Click the Properties tab.
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Online form builder - Properties tab key properties

You can use this table to determine the functionality of the properties in the Properties tab.



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Identification name for the selected element.

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Select a Synergetic object library from the drop-down list to map to the selected element.

See Mapping elements to Synergetic fields.

Once you have selected an object library you can select a field using the Field/Param Mapping property. See below.


Note: You cannot publish a form if there are elements without mapping.

Note: Additional objects can be made available for Basic form types.

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Synergetic data library mapped to the selected element.


Note: This property is read-only.

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Once you have selected a Synergetic object library using the Object Mapping property you can use this property to select a field within the library.

See Mapping elements to Synergetic fields.


Note: You cannot publish a form if there are elements without mapping.

Note: Additional objects can be made available for Basic form types.

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Select a Synergetic lookup table to populate its values into the selected Select input element.

Note: Data bindings can come from either a table or a stored procedure.

For example, you could populate lookup table values from the luCountry lookup table to allow users to select their home country.

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See Populating drop-down lists with Synergetic lookup table values.

Note: Additional objects can be made available for allform types.

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Type into the field to change the text label displayed above the selected element.

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See Updating element text.

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Type into the field to change the text of the selected Button element.

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See Updating element text.

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Type into the field to change the heading text of the selected Heading element.

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See Updating element text.

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Type into the field to change the text displayed in the selected HTML text element.

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See Updating element text.

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Select an activity from the drop-down list to map the activity to the selected Activity Name element.

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See Mapping activity elements to Synergetic activities.

Note: You can populate this drop-down list by selecting the FormEditorFlag field in the luActivity lookup table. See luActivity lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

Note: You cannot publish until all activity elements have been mapped to activities from the luActivity lookup table. See Resolving publishing errors.

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Select whether a comment field is provided for the selected Activity Name element.

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Type comma-separated descriptions into this property to define sections of the selected File uploader element.
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Select a validation rule for the selected element that determines whether correct information is entered. You can select to validate for:

  • emails
  • numbers only
  • URLs
  • phone numbers
  • regular expressions.

For example, the following field has an email validation that displays a notification if the field does not contain a valid email address.

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See Applying validation rules.

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Type into the field to define the default text for the selected Input Control text element.

See Defining default values.

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Select or deselect the flag to define the default state of the selected:

  • Checkbox element
  • Activity Name element.

See Defining default values.

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Type into the field to define the test value of the selected:

Text input element

  • Label text element.
    See /wiki/spaces/SYNWEB/pages/2290125260.
  • Select a visual option from the

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    Displays the maximum allowable number of characters for the selected:

    • Text input element
    • Text area element
    • Label text element.

      Note: This property is read-only.

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    Select a style option from the drop-down list to apply the style to the selected element.

    See Applying element styles.

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    Styles are pre-defined depending on the field type. They appear as options in the drop-down list:

    • textbox and drop-down list styles
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    • button styles.
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    Select this field to prevent form submission if the user has not populated the selected element.

    See Defining element statuses.

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    Clear this field to make the selected element read-only.

    See Defining element statuses.

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    Clear this field to hide the selected element.

    See Defining element statuses.



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    Launch the Event Manager window for the selected element. See Creating events.

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    Launch the Public Account Control Mapping window for the selected Text input element. See Linking text fields to user account details